Monday, April 20, 2009

Specs of TS 80s

So Wada thought a good idea would be to make a list of all of our lvl 80's dual specs. This way we can see who's available for what. I will put this in with the welcome/policy/guild ranking posts on the right side of the page for easy access. Please either leave a comment that lists each individual toon you have or message me in game. This should also help recognize which toons belong to which person for those with multiples. Please try and somewhat follow the format I've used. If you have the 51-pt talent in a tree you can just list that spec or you can specify if you have a hybrid:

Deadrush (Rogue): Assassination & Assassination/Subtlety = Sinscribe (Priest): Holy heals & Discipline heals = Graynight (Death Knight): Frost tank & Unholy dps = Demonevil (Warlock): Affliction & Destruction

Lashtail (Warrior): Fury dps & Protection tank = Lashtar (Priest): Holy heals & Shadow dps


  1. Lashtail Warrior DPSFury&MS/Protec
    Lashtar Holy&disc./Shadow

  2. I think it is an excellent idea, but we also need to help all those below by doing some heroic farming so they too can come and play rather than trying to figure out how to meet the new minimum level.
