Friday, April 3, 2009

Saturday Morning Raid

The time has come for us to try out our Saturday morning idea. We will be starting at around 7am ST. We'll see how many we have and may have to pug a few extras. If you have not raided before, please read up on the Spider Wing of Naxx. I've heard that is the easiest so we will probably start off with that one. Hope to see you then.


  1. Spider Wing
    Pulls: Mobs have curses and poisons, these hit the majority of the raid, keep them off the tanks and healers, then spot heal the rest of the raid through them rather than debuffing people.

    First boss
    2 tanks, 2 heals.,
    MT on boss, where he starts. Make sure this guy has Deadly Boss mods (DBM) installed.

    OT takes adds and drags them to the center of the room. Little adds spawn periodically. AOE these down and keep them off the healers mainly.

    Locust Swarm: Don't bother tanking him while he's doing his locust swarm. Between the Debuff that increases the damage you take AND the fact you're completely silenced, its healer hell and wipe inducive. Instead, look at the moat around the room. Kite this guy AROUND the OUTSIDE of the moat (right against the wall), not around the inside of the moat. Also, make sure you take off between 5-7 seconds BEFORE locust swarm starts. You'll have ample time w/ someone in the group who has DBM. However you do it, make sure the dps stops on the boss the second you start running. If you run too soon, you'll overshoot the other side where you should stop and tank him post-swarm.

    If you do it this way, the hardest part is keeping the adds on the OT, and dpsing them down quickly.

    Boss #2:Pull all the little guys around the room. 4 Followers, 1 Boss.
    MT on boss, OT (person with most aggro ability) on 4 adds. Mark each follower. Tank slowly wears one down w/o killing. Once the boss visually enrages, nuke that add the OT was wittling down. This should kill the boss' enrage. Continue until no more followers are left.
    MT: save cooldowns for Enrage period.
    Options: If you have a Shadow priest, they can MC one of the followers, and Sacrifice (one of the moves the mobs have) after the boss enrages.

    Boss #3: EASY
    MT: Save cooldowns for Webbed periods when you're healers are incap'd. Tank the spider on the stone on the floor. DPS stand on the left side.
    OT: keep the adds off the people, little tiny spider guys.
    Healers: This is all about you. Boss goes into a soft enrage when he's < 20% hp.
    1. Keep the MT fully HOT'd.
    2. Keep abolish poison on him
    3. MT: get some of the potions that can keep poisons off you for X seconds, you need to be clear for about 4-5 seconds.
    4. Periodically, the MT healer will be snagged against the wall, Raid healer needs to focus on MT as the web spray will nuke the MT if he's not sufficiently covered/prepped.
    DPS: Periodically, someone will be snagged against the walls and wrapped, they will slowly lose health, nuke them out of this ASAP.

    There, Good luck guys
