Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hay is adding to his collection of Plans!

Hi all,

Hay wanted me to let you know that in addition to the Boot of Kingly Upheaval Plans he bought, he also has the plans for the Pillars of Might.

Thanks Hay

Lisha's Rogue Help

Sorry this took so long for me to post lisha,

Recently I received a couple of advice requests from guildies working with their Rogue alts. You have to recognize that I'm not an expert but I want to share with the guild the research I have done about my class.

Talent Spec - Base your spec in your best pair of weapons. If you have a pair of swords that are better from your actual pair of daggers do not hesitate to respec from combat to mutilate or a combat sword specialization, this way you will improve your DPS. The most common specs are: Combat 20/51/0 Mutilate 51/18/2. These builds are optimal for maximum DPS, but I actually adapt these builds for my raid duties. Normally I am assigned to interrupt some mobs in certain encounters, so I use a point in Improved Kick for example. Weapons, Rotation and Poison in order to start DPSing early in an encounter, and to help the tank get aggro, try to cast Tricks of The Trade (ToT for short) on your tank before you start to dps your target. In raids, some times our leader asks us to wait to dps the target until the tank has correctly positioned the target, so even if ToT helps you to transfer aggro to your tank I think is better to focus on following instructions in order to not confuse the rest of the raid members. Also remember that a Rogue is a melee class so you must be at melee range in order to start trasfering aggro to the tank via ToT, and even if you have already cast it you can aggro the target before your tank and confuse him/her.

Mutilate and have the Highest DPS dagger mainhand, have at least one fast dagger in either hand. Fastest dagger - Deadly Poison, Other dagger - Instant Poison. Priority: **Ensure that there is a bleed (ie. Rupture, Deep Wounds, Rend) on the target.** Start up Hunger for Blood. (Start up with Slice and Dice or however you please, really). Use vanish whenever possible for Overkill buff.
1. Keep HFB up.
2. Keep SnD up (mainly via Envenom).
3. 4+ combo point Envenom.
4. ToT when off cooldown, especially with 2pc T10.

Combat: Mainhand a sword/axe, fist or mace weapon of generally slow speed. Offhand a sword/axe, dagger or fist weapon of generally fast speed. Mainhand Instant Poison, Offhand Deadly Poison. Use cooldowns whenever possible. Killing spree + blade flurry, blade flurry + adrenaline rush can be used. Adrenaline rush + killing spree is not recommended due to energy capping.
1. Keep SnD up, no matter what the number of combo points are.
2. 5 point Eviscerate.
3. ToT when off cooldown, especially with 2pc T10.

The previous rotation was a copy paste from a post in the Elitist Jerks rogue forums and is the happy rogue kind of fight that you wish to find every encounter a Tank and Spank that will maximise your DPS, but sadly not all the fights are rogue friendly and you have to keep in mind to use Kick and Kidney Shot when you have an interrupt duty like Assembly of Iron in Ulduar. Use Feint when the mob casts AoE damage to help your healers (it reduces 50% of AoE damage). When you have to fight with a lot of targets like whelps with Onyxia, never cast Fan of Knives without casting before a ToT on your tank, unless you want to be a dead rogue. When the tank dies we normally gain instant aggro cause we are in melee range, try to use Evasion maybe it gives enough time to a druid to battle res your tank or to your parters to finish up the mob. If not possible, Vanish or Sprint out of combat when a wipe is inminent, this will help you with the repair bill. As a pure DPS class we normally want to be at the top of DPS meters, but by experience, while trying to keep dpsing at max we do not pay attention in our health and in almost all cases we finish death. A healer must focus on keeping the tank alive who has priority over you, so keep an eye on your health. A live Rogue makes more DPS than a dead one, so try to follow the raid leader instructions, many bosses can kill you with 1 hit.

Gear and Gems is a good resource to see your gear, find updates and compare yours with the top rogues out there. Consumables - I used to eat Blackened Dragonfin, but now I notice that a Fish Feast gives you a better DPS performance. Try to use a Flask of Endless Rage in raids.

AddOns Deadly Boss Mod is a very useful tool for the warnings and timers, it helps you to run away in certain fights with bosses that can kill you with one hit. Also warns you when you are standing up over fire or poison. PowerAuras helps me to see when to refresh SnD and HFB buffs and also could be used to see bleeding debuffs on targets.

Macros I still have to work more in this topic but the one I found useful for ToT on Tank is:
------- start ----- /target /cast Tricks of the Trade /assist ------- end ----

References: Elitist Jerks Rogue forum for FAQ's, SpreedSheets, Guides (most of the things I just wrote are based on the stuff found there) Macro guide (kind obsolete): Kind of blog-guide for raiding


Friday, February 19, 2010

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 2/19/10:

Bloodstained - ICC DPS/Tank - 2898
Haystealer - ICC DPS/Tank - 2860
Graynight - ICC Tank/DPS - 2845
Yukaya - ICC DPS - 2840
Netherkerk - ICC Tank/DPS - 2839
Kennosuke - ICC DPS - 2820
Danaris - ICC Healer/DPS - 2814
Sinscribe - ICC Healer/DPS - 2785
Gnarkilldave - ICC Healer/DPS - 2784
Jinda - ICC DPS/Healer - 2763
Lisha - ICC DPS - 2745
Wrathian - ICC DPS - 2736
Lashtail - ICC DPS/Tank - 2727
Cubex - ICC DPS - 2719
Xaaru - ICC DPS - 2714
Wadataka - ICC Tank/Healer - 2713
Septism - ICC Healer/DPS - 2696
Jayboy - ICC Healer/DPS - 2693
Miasma - ICC DPS/Healer - 2681
Impassive - ICC Tank/DPS - 2665
Bandage - ICC DPS/Healer - 2658
Darkmantle - ToC Tank/DPS - 2616
Darthscarz - ToC Healer/DPS - 2613
Uugo - ToC Tank/Healer - 2611
Dumbbum - ToC DPS - 2591
Black - ToC DPS - 2569
Hellpiggy - ToC Tank/DPS - 2562
Muertedehoof - ToC DPS/Tank - 2541
Exarkun - ToC Tank/DPS - 2528
Zerkofark - ToC DPS - 2516
Beastbrother - ToC Tank/Healer - 2500
Aenicus - ToC DPS/Healer - 2493
Lashstar - ToC Healer/DPS - 2474
Gnarky - ToC Healer - 2472
Anrief - Uld DPS - 2458
Hellpig - ToC Healer/DPS - 2446
Huracan - ToC Tank/DPS - 2443
Deadlydorite - ToC DPS - 2441
Assapalooza - ToC DPS - 2418
Moldren - ToC DPS - 2412
Smokesniffer - ToC Healer/DPS - 2386
Loktahr - ToC Tank/DPS - 2369
Nisu - ToC DPS/Healer - 2363
Mahaliel - ToC Healer/DPS - 2356
Ebolaoutbrek - Uld DPS - 2292
Dialysis - Uld Tnk/DPS - 2276
Bonzeye - Uld Healer - 2236
Pridehorn - Uld Tank/DPS - 2230
Boheeka - Uld DPS - 2212
Deathsmacker - Uld DPS - 2184
Dinkadink - Hero DPS - 2136
Sammara - Uld Healer/DPS - 2116
Invisigoth - Uld DPS - 2114
Deadrush - Uld DPS - 2107
Tyrokor - Uld DPS - 2089
Lichknightt - Uld Tank/DPS - 2044
Demonevil - Uld DPS - 2019
Ternul - Uld Healer/DPS - 2013
Cottonrocket - Uld Tank/DPS - 1972
Grimmjou - Hero DPS/Tank - 1887
Zalaa - Hero DPS - 1807
Buluva - Hero DPS/Healer - 1759
Paladius - Hero Healer/DPS - 1621
Becca - Hero Tank/DPS - 1545
Bloodor - Hero DPS - 1420
Icuudontcme - Hero DPS - 1342
Banality - Hero DPS - 1094
Skreken - Hero DPS - 1077
Theblitz - Hero DPS - 1056
Showtiime - Hero DPS - 1046
Doola - Hero DPS - 607
Finduilas - Hero Tank/DPS - 258

A big Tauren Stampede welcome to all our new members.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Would people be willing to use this for raiding? - EPGP Loot Master

I've heard from a few raid leaders that this addon makes loot quite a bit simpler to decide who gets it.

The problem is, for it to be useful, everyone in the raid needs it installed. I know there are some people out there that don't use addons :P

So, post here if you're willing to use it :) or not :P

Monday, February 8, 2010

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 2/8/10:

Haystealer - ICC DPS/Tank - 2860
Bloodstained - ICC DPS/Tank - 2841
Netherkerk - ICC Tank/DPS - 2839
Danaris - ICC Healer/DPS - 2814
Sinscribe - ICC Healer/DPS - 2785
Gnarkilldave - ICC Healer/DPS - 2784
Graynight - ICC Tank/DPS - 2774
Lashtail - ICC DPS/Tank - 2727
Jinda - ICC DPS/Healer - 2719
Yukaya - ICC DPS - 2717
Lisha - ICC DPS - 2697
Xaaru - ICC DPS - 2695
Jayboy - ICC Healer/DPS - 2693
Cubex - ICC DPS - 2692
Wadataka - ICC Tank/Healer - 2687
Impassive - ICC Tank/DPS - 2665
Miasma - ICC DPS/Healer - 2662
Bandage - ICC DPS/Healer - 2658
Septism - ToC Healer/DPS - 2636
Darthscarz - ToC Healer/DPS - 2613
Uugo - ToC Tank/Healer - 2611
Wrathian - ToC DPS - 2572
Dumbbum - ToC DPS - 2562
Hellpiggy - ToC Tank/DPS - 2562
Muertedehoof - ToC DPS/Tank - 2541
Exarkun - ToC Tank/DPS - 2515
Aenicus - ToC DPS/Healer - 2493
Darkmantle - ToC Tank/DPS - 2476
Gnarky - ToC Healer - 2472
Hellpig - ToC Healer/DPS - 2446
Huracan - ToC Tank/DPS - 2443
Deadlydorite - ToC DPS - 2441
Smokesniffer - ToC Healer/DPS - 2386
Nisu - ToC DPS/Healer - 2363
Loktahr - ToC Tank/DPS - 2360
Mahaliel - ToC Healer/DPS - 2356
Assapalooza - ToC DPS - 2341
Zerkofark - ToC DPS - 2316
Lashstar - ToC Healer/DPS - 2314
Anrief - Uld DPS - 2297
Ebolaoutbrek - Uld DPS - 2292
Bonzeye - Uld Healer - 2236
Pridehorn - Uld Tank/DPS - 2230
Moldren - Uld DPS - 2222
Beastbrother - Uld Tank/Healer - 2200
Deathsmacker - Uld DPS - 2153
Dinkadink - Hero DPS - 2136
Sammara - Uld Healer/DPS - 2116
Deadrush - Uld DPS - 2107
Boheeka - Uld DPS - 2075
Ternul - Uld Healer/DPS - 2013
Invisigoth - Uld DPS - 1990
Cottonrocket - Uld Tank/DPS - 1972
Tyrokor - Hero DPS - 1966
Demonevil - Hero DPS - 1944
Black - Hero DPS - 1869
Lichknightt - Hero Tank/DPS - 1839
Dialysis - Hero Tnk/DPS - 1767
Buluva - Hero DPS/Healer - 1759
Zalaa - Hero DPS - 1690
Paladius - Hero Healer/DPS - 1621
Becca - Hero Tank/DPS - 1545
Grimmjou - Hero DPS/Tank - 1431
Icuudontcme - Hero DPS - 1342
Bloodor - Hero DPS - 1318
Skreken - Hero DPS - 1077
Theblitz - Hero DPS - 1056
Banality - Hero DPS - 1050
Showtiime - Hero DPS - 1046
Doola - Hero DPS - 607
Finduilas - Hero Tank/DPS - 258

A big Tauren Stampede welcome to all our new members.