Friday, May 29, 2009

Guild Raids

Agenda #1: I know there has been a lot of discussion about who will be leading the raids from here on out. I am perfectly happy leading on the times that I am available and I think that Huracan is the same (I also think we share some available times). I think, if prodded, Glorn doesn't mind either and so would Lash if RL ever settles down for him. Perhaps Wada and/or Morty can be sucked out of "raid retirement" too. Anyway, I think that's what we will have have as far as raid leadership goes moving forward from here.

Agenda #2: I think we need to coordinate some specific times that most people are available. I will continue to have a Saturday morning going in at least some capacity, whether it be OS, VoA, heroics or Naxx. I'll also be available, starting the middle of June, on Tuesday nights. Please leave a comment with what days and what times work for you so maybe we can organize things better than the past month.

Agenda #3: We have the firepower in our guild to make a run Malygos and think this should definitely be one of our goals going forward. Let me know what you guys think.

Agenda #4: Lash commented a while ago that he thought my post signature was cool. For those that want to get one, just got to It's free and easy (does it sound like I'm advertising for them) and you can do one for each of your toons. For instance, I'll end this post with Sinscribe's:

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 5/29/09:

Exarkun - 25 Man Tank - 2154
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2140
Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2135
Wadataka - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2116
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS/Healer - 2089
Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 2078
Bamapriest - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2069
Fyska - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2062
Danaris - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2046
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 2029
Graynight - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 2002
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982
Gnarkilldave - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1969
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1924
Cottonrocket - 25 Man Tank/Healer - 1882
Zerkofark - 25 Man DPS - 1867
Dantius - 25 Man DPS - 1865
Aldie - 25 Man DPS - 1830
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1793
Lashtail - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1788
Deadrush - 25 Man DPS - 1771
Colloquial - 25 Man DPS - 1770
Psyonis - 25 Man DPS - 1723
Bloodstained - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1716
Demonevil - 10 Man DPS - 1697
Huracan - 10 Man Tank/DPS - 1633
Chauria - 10 Man Tank - 1611
Bandage - 10 Man DPS/Healer - 1559
Becca - 10 Man Tank - 1529
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer/DPS - 1526
Boheeka - 10 Man DPS - 1503
Spodium - 10 Man DPS - 1501
Korongar - 10 Man DPS - 1500
Thunderessa - 10 Man DPS - 1484
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1339
Buluva - Heroic DPS/Healer - 1191
Paladius - Heroic Healer/DPS - 1183
Lisha - Heroic DPS - 1181
Marrak - Heroic DPS - 1109
Banality - Heroic DPS - 1089
Skreken - Heroic Tank - 1050
Loktahr - Heroic Tank/DPS - 998
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 962
Zorani - Heroic DPS - 617

The Tauren Stampede would like to welcome Wadataka to the guild and congratulations to Loktahr for reaching 80.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Wayward Guild Master Returns

Hi Gang,

Lashtail here back from a wicked dose of reality life so my apologies for not being able to be on much the past 6 weeks. I will be on more often now to help co-oridnate and support some raiding and heroics runs for our members.

First though I would like to thank the valuable time and effort by our raid leaders Wadataka, Meurtdehoof and Deadrush.

We do need to gain another 3 members that are raid worthy in the next month or so. We also need to help our alt (dual spec) healers get some practice doing heroics.

Being summer is upon us this is the usual time for WOW interest to drop off so we may need to figure the best two times for most members to be on for Naxx. Also we need to set aside 2 nights a week for running 2 groups doing Herioics.

I am proposing that Friday nights 7:00 pm for 2 heroics dungeons
and we will see if the Monday and Wed Nights can currently pull a Naxx or do we limit our selves to one quarter of Naxx each of those nights for gearing up.

Anyway we will work things out and hope to meet our new members soon.

Best Regards


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 5/20/09:

Exarkun - 25 Man Tank - 2154
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2140
Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2135
Nerfertiti - 25 Man DPS - 2080
Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 2078
Bamapriest - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2069
Kaylipso - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2054
Danaris - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2046
Fyska - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2036
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 2029
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS/Healer - 1986
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982
Gnarkilldave - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1941
Graynight - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 1928
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1924
Cottonrocket - 25 Man Tank/Healer - 1882
Zerkofark - 25 Man DPS - 1867
Dantius - 25 Man DPS - 1865
Aldie - 25 Man DPS - 1830
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1793
Lashtail - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1788
Deadrush - 25 Man DPS - 1771
Colloquial - 25 Man DPS - 1770
Psyonis - 25 Man DPS - 1723
Bloodstained - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1716
Demonevil - 10 Man DPS - 1697
Huracan - 10 Man Tank/DPS - 1628
Chauria - 10 Man Tank - 1611
Arsonwells - 10 Man Tank - 1570
Bandage - 10 Man DPS/Healer - 1559
Becca - 10 Man Tank - 1529
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer/DPS - 1526
Korongar - 10 Man DPS - 1500
Boheeka - 10 Man DPS - 1489
Spodium - 10 Man DPS - 1488
Thunderessa - 10 Man DPS - 1484
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1339
Paladius - Heroic Healer/DPS - 1183
Lisha - Heroic DPS - 1163
Marrak - Heroic DPS - 1109
Skreken - Heroic Tank - 1050
Buluva - Heroic DPS/Healer - 994
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 962
Banality - Heroic DPS - 820
Zorani - Heroic DPS - 617

The Tauren Stampede would like to welcome Exarkun to the guild.

Friday, May 15, 2009

RL interfering with WoW :P

Work has me doing 5 16-hour shifts in a row. Added to lack of coffee & chocolate, I'm going to bow out of raiding for the next week.

There are enough healers that this shouldn't forestall the group. If someone reads it here, would they mind telling someone like Danaris, cube, or moma please..

Good luck guys

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 5/12/09:

Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2106
Nerfertiti - 25 Man DPS - 2080
Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 2078
Kaylipso - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2054
Bamapriest - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2049
Danaris - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2046
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer - 2046
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 2029
Oxxykotton - 25 Man DPS - 1992
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS/Healer - 1986
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982
Fyska - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 1957
Gnarkilldave - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1941
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1924
Graynight - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 1893
Cottonrocket - 25 Man Tank/Healer - 1882
Momakonda - 25 Man DPS - 1868
Zerkofark - 25 Man DPS - 1867
Dantius - 25 Man DPS - 1850
Lashtail - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1788
Colloquial - 25 Man DPS - 1770
Aldie - 25 Man DPS - 1758
Deadrush - 25 Man DPS - 1751
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1751
Psyonis - 25 Man DPS - 1723
Demonevil - 10 Man DPS - 1697
Huracan - 10 Man Tank/DPS - 1628
Chauria - 10 Man Tank - 1611
Bloodstained - 10 Man DPS/Tank - 1588
Arsonwells - 10 Man Tank - 1570
Bandage - 10 Man DPS/Healer - 1559
Becca - 10 Man Tank - 1529
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer/DPS - 1526
Korongar - 10 Man DPS - 1500
Boheeka - 10 Man DPS - 1489
Savina - Heroic DPS - 1363
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1339
Thunderessa - Heroic DPS - 1289
Spodium - Heroic DPS - 1275
Paladius - Heroic Healer/DPS - 1183
Lisha - Heroic DPS - 1149
Marrak - Heroic DPS - 1109
Skreken - Heroic Tank - 1050
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 962
Buluva - Heroic DPS/Healer - 823
Banality - Heroic DPS - 820
Zephroes - Heroic Tank - 741
Zorani - Heroic DPS - 617

Congrats to Kaylipso for moving up a rank and to Buluva for hitting 80.

Weekend Morning Group

Alrighty, so Sunday's run was a little disappointing.

Some observations:
1) Only 2 healers for our Naxx run and based on our inexperience (myself included) I think we really need 3.
2) A little low on the dps due to a few alts being used.
3) Knowledge of the fight a little lacking.

1) As much as I'd love to have a full guild run, it just might not be in the cards for us yet. So instead of bumping a healer spot for a guild dps, I think we need to pug a 3rd healer if there are not 3 available in-guild.
2) Low dps can really be fixed by coming on your main character. Most of our mains are doing nice dps/tanking/healing but some of our alts are a little bit behind. If you want to join a pug mid-week, please use your alt on that and bring your main on the weekend. If your main is already involved with the Wada/Maha group then obviously that's different. I think I will start scheduling for Saturday instead of Sunday as there seem to be a few more people on.
3) Please, please, please, please just check out youtube for videos on the fight. They are all over the place and it just takes a few minutes to find out the entire strategy of the boss fights.

Anyway, all that being said, we will try again this Saturday 7am ST. I think we'll try the Plague Quarter first just to change things up and then move on. I will send out invites this evening.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 5/5/09:

Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2106
Nerfertiti - 25 Man DPS - 2080
Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 2078
Danaris - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2046
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer - 2040
Bamapriest - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2004
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 2003
Oxxykotton - 25 Man DPS - 1992
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS/Healer - 1976
Fyska - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 1957
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1924
Momakonda - 25 Man DPS - 1868
Zerkofark - 25 Man DPS - 1867
Graynight - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 1863
Dantius - 25 Man DPS - 1850
Cottonrocket - 25 Man Tank/Healer - 1801
Lashtail - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1788
Colloquial - 25 Man DPS - 1770
Aldie - 25 Man DPS - 1758
Deadrush - 25 Man DPS - 1751
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1751
Psyonis - 25 Man DPS - 1723
Gnarkilldave - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1713
Demonevil - 10 Man DPS - 1697
Huracan - 10 Man Tank/DPS - 1628
Chauria - 10 Man Tank - 1611
Kaylipso - 10 Man Healer/DPS - 1603
Bloodstained - 10 Man DPS/Tank - 1588
Bandage - 10 Man DPS/Healer - 1559
Becca - 10 Man Tank - 1529
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer/DPS - 1526
Korongar - 10 Man DPS - 1500
Arsonwells - 10 Man Tank - 1494
Boheeka - 10 Man DPS - 1489
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1339
Thunderessa - Heroic DPS - 1213
Paladius - Heroic Healer/DPS - 1183
Savina - Heroic DPS - 1135
Skreken - Heroic Tank - 1050
Lisha - Heroic DPS - 1007
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 962
Spodium - Heroic DPS - 929
Marrak - Heroic DPS - 887
Banality - Heroic DPS - 820
Zephroes - Heroic Tank - 741
Zorani - Heroic DPS - 617

Welcome Colloquial, Psyonis, Gnarkilldave and Zorani to the guild...congrats to Savina and Banality for hitting 80.