Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Policies of the Guild

Policy 1 : have fun developing your character
Policy 2: Be respectful of the following:
2.1 People and their playing time
2.2 Being on time for scheduled events (online 15 minutes prior is best)
2.3 Volunteer efforts to help you by fellow guild mates
Policy 3: be respectful of the privilege of having and using guild bank (GB)

The Guild Bank (Deposits and Withdrawals)
Anyone can deposit gold or items into the GB. Anyone can withdraw items from the GB, the amount will vary according to the settings made by the Guild Master to prevent mass looting. If you see an item in the GB and you can use it take it. These items are the property of the guild. Store your personal items in your own bank please. The GB will be monitored daily and cleaned out monthly any dead items will be DE'd or vendored and the gold will be put in the guild gold bank deposit

Loot Rules for Groups
In this guild we are very basic, greens unless an upgrade are to be greeded, if you need use the need button. Blue and epic items are alway pass button. The party leader is to ensure all know whats being rolled for. Those classes that can use item have first privilege to roll on need basis. If no one needs then the group can:
(a) greed roll for personal gain
(b) Disenchant (if chanter is present) and roll for shard
(c) Party agrees to let the Leader take the item and vendor it with the proceeds going to the GB gold depository
In Raids, The Raid Leader will Master loot or assign an assistant to loot, Greens are all greed, Blues and above colours are held .. called out, those who qualify to use said item are to need roll. If no one needs again DE the item and roll for shards at the end of the instance. There will be a countdown from 5 to 1 for roll. At the end of the countdown the matter is settled the winning roll takes.

The Officer Corp:
The Guild Masters decisions are absolute. The Officers on line are to act on his behalf and the policies of the Guild. The Guild Master will work with the Officers to ensure our Guild gathers strength.

Guild Meetings
Once a month on vent see our calendar. This is where all members can have input to inspire each other, set Guild Goals general chat discuss policy changes etc.

Grounds for Member Removal from the Guild
1. Blatant and continual rudeness
2. Looting the Guild bank
3. Harrassing the members with demands or continual requests for gold or Instance run thrus
4 Ninja of items in parties

Member Concerns about Behaviour of another GuildMate
Any question or concern about questionable behaviour are to be directed only to the Guild Master or an Officer.

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