Friday, May 15, 2009

RL interfering with WoW :P

Work has me doing 5 16-hour shifts in a row. Added to lack of coffee & chocolate, I'm going to bow out of raiding for the next week.

There are enough healers that this shouldn't forestall the group. If someone reads it here, would they mind telling someone like Danaris, cube, or moma please..

Good luck guys


  1. I think what we'll be lacking is a leader.
    I am horrible at explaining fights and don't like to lead at all.

    I don't know what everyone else's views are on them leading. But I'd like to avoid being that person.

    Tonights raid didn't go because there were only 6 people online.

  2. All my stuff has settled back down, so I'll be back on again starting tomorrow. Although, I'm with Dan. I'm not much into leading a group, because I pretty well fail at it.

    Aldie won't be returning, but I'll be back for sure.

  3. I agree with Dan also.
    Though I wont be getting on like I used to. It's cutting into my family time, 5pm server time is 7pm my time. :(

  4. This last week, with being sick, working 5 16-hour shifts, and not having any coffee or chocolate.... I've found myself verryy tired and not interested in playing WoW at all for more than a very short period.

    I'm pretty disappointed that the group isn't going w/o me. Regardless of the varied, valid reasons for each individual... it still results in a group that is still having a hard time with naxx. whether its getting 3 consistent healers when we have 9 in the group. Or getting 2 Consistent tanks. Or DPS that know the fights so that the time between pulls can be minimized.

    In my own head, I was hoping to have naxx down to a single-night farm at this point. Leaving one other night to do OS/WG/Maly or the first boss in 10-man Uld.

    Personally, I haven't gotten a single upgrade on Wad since february despite raiding 7 days a week for months. I can't use Wad to tank because of the view of Druid healing being OP as it is. I can't switch to alts to dps because .... lots of reasons.

    Morty has abandoned us, we've lost Aldie, fyska's RL makes us lose his position as well unless we want to switch in the middle of the raid.... Ppl that told me they could log on routinely don't show up half the time....

    I guess, the point of this tired rambling is, I think I'm going to call it quits outside of ulduar unless I'm not raiding that night and you guys have a need. There are enough people that know the fights, someone just has to be willing to handle strain.

    I know I'll be free 2 nights a week, but whether I devote those two nights to family, or wow remains to be seen.

    Maybe Lash, as the GM is willing to lead the raid.

    I don't know guys, I'm sorry.

    *goes and thinks about eating chocolate w/ a gigantic mud of sugar and cream w/ some coffee*

  5. I don't know if people even want to raid. We had it planned yesterday at 5 sever time, and only 3 people were online.

  6. Yeah, Just to spout unfiltered thoughts. I'm not sure whether ppl realize how rude they come across to the common raider when the raid has spent countless hours gearing them up only to have them not show up when it counts.

    do the math, 4 hours, 4 nights a week x 3 months. No upgrades for me. Lots of upgrades for everyone else. I go away for a week, and only 3 of 10 ppl log on?

    Whether its reasonable or not, that offends me.

  7. I know I'm not part of the regular raid group but thought that I would add something. If you don't think you'll be available for a certain time, it's cool...just don't sign up like you will be. A couple of weeks ago, the weekend morning group had 8 or 9 people sign up and I think 4 showed up. I can't make it 99 times out of 100 on a weekday raid group because of RL, so I don't sign up. And when I do end up signing up for a group (i.e. the weekend), I take one of my geared players to make sure the group goes smoothly.

    Maybe there just needs to be a little more communication about what times people are available. So we'll do it AA style:

    Hi, I'm Deadrush. I have a rogue, warlock, DK tank/dps and priest healer/dps. I'm available on most Saturday mornings at 7am ST and am trying to lead a group then. I also will be available Tuesday evenings starting in June...and the last time I had a drink was last night (burp).

  8. I have not signed up for any weekend or anything for the past two or three weeks. RL has taken over (getting my sons ready for the Southeastern Regional for wrestling). The tournament is this weekend and I should be ready to start back next weekend. I also can have my son play my Shaman or Warrior if needed along with me playing my Priest. I need to start gearing faster because Sinscribe has passed me again.

  9. Ooooohhhh...sounds like a little competition Bama. I challenge you to a "heal-off".
