Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 11/10/09:

Haystealer - ToC DPS/Tank - 2622
Gnarkilldave - ToC Healer/DPS - 2594
Wadataka - ToC Tank/Healer - 2587
Muertedehoof - ToC DPS/Tank - 2540
Graynight - ToC Tank/DPS - 2529
Jinda - ToC DPS/Healer - 2524
Bloodstained - ToC DPS/Tank - 2512
Danaris - ToC Healer/DPS - 2490
Sinscribe - ToC Healer/DPS - 2465
Hellpiggy - ToC Tank/DPS - 2460
Lisha - ToC DPS - 2438
Impassive - ToC Tank/DPS - 2438
Ethanial - ToC DPS - 2376
Aenicus - ToC DPS/Healer - 2371
Nisu - ToC DPS/Healer - 2353
Uugo - ToC Tank/Healer - 2331
Bandage - ToC DPS/Healer - 2314
Mahaliel - ToC Healer/DPS - 2292
Spoc - ToC DPS - 2253
Deadlydorite - ToC DPS - 2205
Psylence - ToC Healer - 2205
Exarkun - ToC Tank - 2239
Loktahr - ToC Tank/DPS - 2229
Huracan - Uld Tank/DPS - 2183
Lashtail - Uld DPS/Tank - 2168
Darthscarz - Uld Healer/DPS - 2167
Pridehorn - Uld Tank/DPS - 2165
Sammara - Uld Healer/DPS - 2116
Deadrush - Uld DPS - 2043
Netherkerk - Uld Tank/DPS - 2016
Ternul - Uld Healer/DPS - 2013
Zerkofark - Uld DPS - 2005
Invisigoth - Uld DPS - 1990
Yukaya - Uld DPS - 1978
Demonevil - Hero DPS - 1944
Lashstar - Hero Healer/DPS - 1929
Dinkadink - Hero DPS - 1732
Smokesniffer - Hero Healer/DPS - 1669
Paladius - Hero Healer/DPS - 1621
Buluva - Hero DPS/Healer - 1590
Lichknightt - Hero Tank/DPS - 1576
Boheeka - Hero DPS - 1554
Moldren - Hero DPS - 1540
Becca - Hero Tank/DPS - 1518
Grimmjou - Hero DPS/Tank - 1431
Bloodor - Hero DPS - 1258
Marrak - Hero DPS - 1202
Skreken - Hero DPS - 1077
Theblitz - Hero Tank/DPS - 1034
Banality - Hero DPS - 1013
Doola - Hero DPS - 607

Welcome to all our new guild members as well and Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Raiding for the Holiday Season

What would people like to do for the next week and a half?

I'm gone at least two days this next week, it appears that Dan is also gone. In general, it seems that at least half our group will be AWOL during the holiday.

Do we want to just nix the Raid schedule until the weekend after christmas?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

This Weekends Raid

Howdy Stampeders!

We didnt get a chance to do Uld on Friday or Saturday due to the absence of some people for holiday events. So on Sunday we did our raid and we did very well. We ended up pugging a tank (Sebbix) who did well. A special thanks to bama who came and tanked as the other tank as well as thanks to AFK who came and healed on her druid. We one-shotted all of seige as well as thorim and only stumbled once on auriyana (crazy cat lady). We had issues with some people only being able to come and rotated a dps too many times with my favorite part being when we had three moonkins and 5 druids total. The rotating dps slots cost us a lot of time but we made some new friends that we can always look up and still managed to kill things efficiently even when we had a new group makeup each battle. Also a thanks to morty who helped me explain the fights and thanks to dead who came and offtanked ignis. Looking forward to this coming weeks raid and make sure you sign up so we know youre coming!


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wadataka Gone for the Week

Hey guys,

I have a major test this coming monday which I absolutely have to score top marks on. I most likely won't be on until after the test, tuesday at the latest.

I'd stress that the raids still progress as normal, the first half of ulduar is doable even if you have to pug another tank/healer.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Final Three Ulduar 10 Boss Fights

General Vezax - Vezax @ www.Tankspot.com
  1. Aura of Despair. No Mana regen at all. Mana is regen'd by killing saronite vapors around room. This will cause a debuff that leeches health from you but returns mana. This stacks every 2 seconds. no more than 5-6 stacks. Shadow protection aura a must.
  2. Shadow Crash - slow moving projectile thrown at a random member. Creates a pool where it lands, increases casting time and damage dealth by 100%, decreases mana cost and healing done by 70%
  3. Mark of the Faceless - siphon life debuff that sucks life out of anyone around the target for 10 yards. Heals Vezax for substantially more than it leeches.
  4. Searing Flames - debuff on target, decreases armor by 75%. 2 second cast. Must interrupt
  5. Surge of Darkness - Every 60 seconds, inc. boss melee damage by 100%, decreases movement speed by half. DK tank use Icebound fortitude, Bears use Barkskin, Hand of sacrifice, pain suppression and any other damage mitigating moves
  6. Melee also take a 20% increase in their swing timer.
Mimiron - Mimiron on Tankspot.com
  1. sorry, waaaay too much info to post, just watch the movie :P
Yogg-Saron - Yogg-Saron @ tankspot.com
  1. Again, lots of moves to watch out for, watch the vid.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 11/10/09:

Shmokey - ToC DPS - 2556
Jinda - ToC DPS/Healer - 2468
Haystealer - ToC DPS - 2445
Bloodtheron - ToC DPS - 2436
Graynight - ToC Tank/DPS - 2429
Gnarkilldave - ToC Healer/DPS - 2404
Wadataka - ToC Tank/Healer - 2397
Danaris - ToC Healer/DPS - 2368
Gnarkillyou - ToC Tank/DPS - 2367
Sinscribe - ToC Healer/DPS - 2349
Lisha - ToC DPS - 2336
Nisu - ToC DPS/Healer - 2343
Muertedehoof - ToC DPS/Tank - 2243
Exarkun - ToC Tank - 2239
Loktahr - ToC Tank/DPS - 2229
Bandage - ToC DPS/Healer - 2214
Deadlydorite - ToC DPS - 2205
Aenicus - ToC DPS/Healer - 2200
Uugo - Uld Tank/Healer - 2171
Eldermoon - Uld Tank/DPS - 2165
Huracan - Uld Tank/DPS - 2156
Cowmurderer - Uld DPS - 2139
Lashtail - Uld DPS/Tank - 2124
Bloodstained - Uld DPS/Tank - 2103
Sammara - Uld Healer/DPS - 2087
Deadrush - Uld DPS - 2043
Darthscarz - Uld Healer/DPS - 2039
Memebarf - Uld Tank/DPS - 2023
Ternul - Uld Healer/DPS - 2013
Zerkofark - Uld DPS - 2005
Invisigoth - Uld DPS - 1990
Mahaliel - Uld Healer/DPS - 1986
Yukaya - Uld DPS - 1978
Demonevil - Hero DPS - 1944
Lashstar - Hero Healer/DPS - 1929
Psylence - Hero Tank/Healer - 1920
Dinkadink - Hero DPS - 1732
Paladius - Hero Healer/DPS - 1621
Buluva - Hero DPS/Healer - 1574
Icuudontcme - Hero DPS - 1534
Moldren - Hero DPS - 1389
Bloodor - Hero DPS - 1258
Marrak - Hero DPS - 1202
Skreken - Hero DPS - 1077
Theblitz - Hero Tank/DPS - 1034
Banality - Hero DPS - 1013
Doola - Hero DPS - 607

Welcome to new guild member Shmokey.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 11/3/09:

Haystealer - ToC DPS - 2445
Jinda - ToC DPS/Healer - 2423
Bloodtheron - ToC DPS - 2417
Wadataka - ToC Tank/Healer - 2391
Graynight - ToC Tank/DPS - 2382
Gnarkillyou - ToC Tank/DPS - 2367
Gnarkilldave - ToC Healer/DPS - 2357
Sinscribe - ToC Healer/DPS - 2349
Danaris - ToC Healer/DPS - 2348
Nisu - ToC DPS/Healer - 2343
Lisha - ToC DPS - 2317
Muertedehoof - ToC DPS/Tank - 2243
Exarkun - ToC Tank - 2239
Loktahr - ToC Tank/DPS - 2229
Deadlydorite - ToC DPS - 2205
Aenicus - ToC DPS/Healer - 2200
Uugo - Uld Tank/Healer - 2171
Eldermoon - Uld Tank/DPS - 2165
Cowmurderer - Uld DPS - 2139
Bandage - Uld DPS/Healer - 2128
Bloodstained - Uld DPS/Tank - 2103
Huracan - Uld Tank/DPS - 2094
Lashtail - Uld DPS/Tank - 2077
Deadrush - Uld DPS - 2043
Darthscarz - Uld Healer/DPS - 2039
Memebarf - Uld Tank/DPS - 2023
Ternul - Uld Healer/DPS - 2013
Zerkofark - Uld DPS - 2005
Invisigoth - Uld DPS - 1990
Yukaya - Uld DPS - 1978
Mahaliel - Uld Healer/DPS - 1960
Demonevil - Hero DPS - 1944
Sammara - Hero Healer/DPS - 1944
Lashstar - Hero Healer/DPS - 1929
Dinkadink - Hero DPS - 1732
Psylence - Hero Tank/Healer - 1687
Paladius - Hero Healer/DPS - 1621
Buluva - Hero DPS/Healer - 1574
Icuudontcme - Hero DPS - 1534
Moldren - Hero DPS - 1389
Bloodor - Hero DPS - 1258
Marrak - Hero DPS - 1202
Skreken - Hero DPS - 1077
Theblitz - Hero Tank/DPS - 1034
Banality - Hero DPS - 1013
Doola - Hero DPS - 607

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Crafters in the Guild

So Ive noticed a lot of people dont know who to go to or who to look for when they need something crafted or created etc. I know that its easy to go to www.wow-heroes.com and you can actually look up who has what professions within our guild. As a guild our size, we should not have to go out and pay to get anything crafted with the exception of rare epic recipes that nobody within the guild has. As such, im posting a short list of who can craft what for each profession. I am only listing a few people for each profession based on how often I see them on or who seems to be on the most.

Note: I am only listing people at 450 in the Profession unless otherwise noted

Alchemy - Eldermoon (Dan), Jinda, Bandage (Wada), Buluva (Cube), Lisha
Blacksmithing - Lashtail, Haystealer, Exarkun, Graynight(Dead), Moridyn (Wada), Bloodor
Leatherworking - Gnarkilldave, Zerkofark, Uug (Wada)
Enchanting - Sinscribe(Dead, 460), Banality(Cube), Tephul (Wad, 439), Darthscarz (Exark, 436)
Tailoring - Sinscribe(Dead), Darthscarz(Exark), Lashstar (Lash)
Engineering - Gnarkilldave, Yukaya
Jewelcrafting - Gnarkillyou, Danaris, Uugo(Wada), Lisha, Demonevil(Dead)
Inscription - Deadlydorite(Cube, 449), Sammara(Dan, 445)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Tentative Raid Schedule (overkill mode)

Schedule Starts this Monday.

Raid time is 5pm -8pm server time. This gives us 12 hours of raid time in ulduar. We can either do that, or two 6 hour raid days.
  • Monday - Onyxia / Historical Raid
  • Tuesday - Ulduar 10
  • Wednesday - TotC (10) Regular
  • Thursday - Ulduar 10
  • Friday - TotC 10 reg
  • Saturday - Ulduar 10
  • Sunday - Ulduar 10
Primary Focus: Ulduar Clearing every week
2ndary: First 2 bosses of TotC on farm
Tertiary: Onyxia and any older style Raid ppl want

These are the days that I will be leading groups and where.
For the core group members: Attendence to the Ulduar days is heavily stressed. You're slot in the group is reserved based on commitment & attitude, not performance.

For any TTS member: To start, we'll have available spaces in the core group, if you'd like to come, be online @ raid time and be prepared. Requirement: Gear score of 2250 or higher on http://www.wow-heroes.com/ or a permission of a raid leader.
Present Core Group
Tanks: Gnark
Heals: Danaris, Wad
DPS: Jinda, Cubex

These days are flexible in regards to when we do what. These are just the things I feel we need to do to progress to a point where we can get into icecrown when it comes open.

If you want to be considered for the Core group, please post a comment here and I will personally let you know and send you an invite. There are people not in the list that are in my brain only because they haven't clearly said yes or no or I haven't seen them to ask. Please, if you're interested, let me know.

On a side note: All core people, please look up the fights for ulduar, ony, and the first 2 bosses in TotC 10 man. I'd rather avoid watching 10-minute tankspot video's. A hint, goto tankspot.com, find the appropriate videos, write down what special moves the boss has and when/where you're supposed to move. Some people need to remember that they might have 2 possible roles. DPS/heals, Heals/tanks, etc.

Yay for long posts while Firewalled at work and avoiding College homework :P

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Grump

So, what do you do when ...
  1. The Majority of the guild doesn't look at the blog. (or in a timely fashion)
  2. People don't show up when they've signed up for a raid.
  3. They don't look up the fights listed for that day
  4. They don't have vent working. I don't know of a single raiding group that doesn't require vent.
  5. People don't follow directions. Don't stand in the blue swirlies, don't get hit by the flame wall, run out when lightning nova is channeled.
  6. The gear structure right now is such that ppl don't need nax, maly, or OS so don't get the group training in how to function tactically as a group and as an individual......
  7. And lastly, ppl voted to only raid ~2 nights a week but only show up for an hour and a half.
Any one of these would & has just made me shrug and think, "eh, easily worked around." However, on nights where we /start/ with the "trash" raids (WG & OS) to get ppl tokens or the misc. gear/trinket that only drops there.... We started 15 minutes late then had 3 ppl bail after an hour and 15 minutes.

On a very serious note: With ToC regular/heroic gear with badges, every single person in this guild should have 3K dps in 10 mans on bosses. If you don't, you're doing something wrong. Regular Raiders were doing 5K dps with worse gear in 10 mans when naxx came out & the present badge/ToC gear is Ulduar equivalent.

Until ppl in the guild show some ounce of dedication, show up on time, know the fights, have geared their toons appropriately in the off-nights, have vent, and listen to directions.... I'm not going to be bringing untrustworthy people.

I'll be whispering the ppl I've seen show up faithfully. I won't be restricting it to just guildies. I will try to recruit the people to the guild but won't require it. I will also be more than happy to gear up the people that have the attitude to show up on time and know their character. I don't care if I have to spend a week running ToC reg/heroic to get ppl badges and gear. Knowing your class is more important.

This is not a guild raid group any longer, this is a closed group by invitation only.

This is not me trying to be elitist, this is me wanting to see icecrown before the next expansion pack comes out & still being TWO patches behind.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 10/6/09:

Bigsky - ToC Healer/DPS - 2465
Jinda - ToC DPS/Healer - 2405
Graynight - ToC Tank/DPS - 2382
Sinscribe - ToC Healer/DPS - 2349
Nisu - ToC DPS/Healer - 2343
Wadataka - ToC Tank/Healer - 2324
Bamapriest - ToC Healer/DPS - 2274
Exarkun - ToC Tank - 2239
Loktahr - Uld Tank/DPS - 2178
Muertedehoof - Uld DPS/Tank - 2164
Haystealer - Uld DPS - 2160
Lisha - Uld DPS - 2157
Deadlydorite - Uld DPS - 2149
Aenicus - Uld DPS/Healer - 2146
Bandage - Uld DPS/Healer - 2128
Danaris - Uld Healer/DPS - 2127
Gnarkilldave - Uld Healer/DPS - 2127
Huracan - Uld Tank/DPS - 2094
Bloodtheron - Uld DPS - 2077
Lashtail - Uld DPS/Tank - 2077
Deadrush - Uld DPS - 2043
Bloodstained - Uld DPS/Tank - 2027
Gnarkillyou - Uld Tank/DPS - 2022
Zerkofark - Uld DPS - 1999
Eldermoon - Uld Tank/DPS - 1999
Invisigoth - Uld DPS - 1980
Yukaya - Uld DPS - 1978
Demonevil - Hero DPS - 1944
Lashstar - Hero Healer/DPS - 1929
Sonnygrazo - Hero DPS - 1855
Krypticdeath - Hero Tank/DPS - 1832
Darthscarz - Hero Healer/DPS - 1807
Mahaliel - Hero Healer/DPS - 1671
Dinkadink - Hero DPS - 1551
Icuudontcme - Hero DPS - 1534
Buluva - Hero DPS/Healer - 1484
Moldren - Hero DPS - 1312
Paladius - Hero Healer/DPS - 1224
Marrak - Hero DPS - 1202
Bloodor - Hero DPS - 1115
Skreken - Hero DPS - 1050
Theblitz - Hero Tank/DPS - 1034
Banality - Hero DPS - 1001
Doola - Hero DPS - 607

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Update: Official Raiding Days

(all times server)
OFFICIAL - Mains Preferred. (not mandatory, just official)

  • Every Friday [5pm-8pm] - WG / OS /Eye of Eternity
  • Every Sunday [3pm-8pm] - WG / Ulduar / Naxx-10
Unofficial - Any Toon.
    • Every Monday [5pm-8pm] - WG / Finish or Start Naxx
Dedicated Heroic Night (See comments)

Every Saturday [5pm-8pm] - the daily heroic, regular, + 1 more. Goal = 1 hour/instance

Comments that need to be said so that they are clear.
  • Main Toons always come first. Main toon = 1 character which you declare to be your primary & is on the TTS guild roster. Alts come second. Non-guilds come third.
    1. HUGE NOTE: This only pertains to the moment the invites go out. Once the
      invites are given out, it is a free for all.
    2. Show up on time, or lose out, as a policy, we won't drop anyone once the raid starts unless an encounter needs a specific role filled that we don't have.
  • Raids start at the designated time. Invites go out 5-10 minutes before. First pull happens at raid start time. Reasoning: If ppl only want to raid 2x a week, then we need to make the greatest use of this available time frame.
  • Be Repaired, have buff-foods, pots, & reagents
  • Please know the fights we will be doing that night. Youtube or Tankspot.com are good sources.
  • Loot policy: Loot will be master-looted to a designated person until after a quarter/wing/section is completed then all the loot will be divied up.
  • Once we have 10 ppl with a wow-heroes score of > 2200 we'll set a specific night where ppl can devote 2 hours to Trials of the Crusader raid, we're at 7 ppl atm.
  • Once we get Ignis's fight down (2 kills in 2 weeks) We'll move on to the antechamber bosses & do the siege section one week/night and Antechamber the following.
Some Notes On the various Raids


  1. Spider [Anub'Rekhan, Widow, Maexxna] *links to strategies will be added shortly
  2. Plague [Noth, Heigan, Loatheb]
  3. Construct [Patch, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius]
  4. Military [Razuvious, Gothik, 4 Horsemen]
  5. Crown [Sapphiron, Kel'Thuzad]

Obsidian Sanctum

  1. 1 Drake Up, 2 Drakes Up, 3 Drakes Up


  1. Archavon, Emelon, Koralon


  1. Siege [Flame Leviathan, Razorscale, Deconstructor, Ignis]
  2. Antechamber [Iron Council, Kologarn ]
  3. Keepers [Auriaya, Mimiron, Freya, Thorim, Hodir]
  4. Descent into Madness [General Vezax, Yogg-Saron]
  5. Impossible [Algalon]

Trials of the Crusader

Onyxia [10-man guide]

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Raiding, What do people want to do?

As far as I see it, we have a few options

1) Do we want to arrange raiding 3-5 times a week?
...... Justification: We seem to be gathering together nightly for heroics anyways, you'll get more badges/hr by doing naxx than you would by doing heroics, also, more ppl can participate in a raid than a heroic group.

2) Raid 2 Nights a week, Naxx/OS/WG one night, Ulduar/OS/WG the next, periodically keeping the raid ID's extended so that we can get full clears of what we want.

3) Ignore Raiding, continue w/ just heroics?

a) a firm note, I'll participate, but I won't set up or run any 25-man stuff other than OS. The drama and headaches that are caused are not worth the rewards.

b) There will be no set group, only occassions for Mains or ones like OS last night where we struggle along w/ alts. There won't be a preferred raid group, only whoever logs on first &/or who can raid the alloted time.

c) HUGE NOTE: While raiding, whatever toon you are on for that raid is your Main, whatever spec, is your main. Alot of guild drama is caused by mentalities like, "Thats his alt, this is my main, I deserve that upgrade." Random loot systems are as fair as you can get, roll on what you need, pass on what you don't.

d) For Raiding, a new loot system a friend instigated in his guild & seems to work well: Everyone Passes on all gear, one person, takes everything until the end of the raid time, then the loot is divied up by rolls.

e) What raiding times are best for everyone. I realize some people can't make it all nights at all times but, what are your general times, what days are definately not open. Are WoW calendar invites best for everyone? Do you need personal invitations to remind you to log on at XX time or are statements like raiding every tues/thurs/sat/sun @ 5pm server time good?

f) I have every sunday off, I'm open to the idea of getting a Naxx run going on sunday w/ the intent to do a full clear or shooting 1 hour per wing so 5 hours. This will of course be rough until all the people in the group get used to the pulls and wings.

g) If we get enough people on, maybe we can set up 2 raid groups.

What do you guys want (hopefully, more than the usual 4-5 ppl respond :P)

Monday, September 14, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 9/14/09:

Graynight - ToC Tank/DPS - 2382
Bigsky - ToC Healer/DPS - 2374
Jinda - ToC DPS/Healer - 2340
Wadataka - ToC Tank/Healer - 2283
Sinscribe - ToC Healer/DPS - 2276
Exarkun - ToC Tank - 2239
Nisu - ToC DPS/Healer - 2215
Bamapriest - Uld Healer - 2187
Loktahr - Uld Tank/DPS - 2178
Deadlydorite - Uld DPS - 2149
Gnarkilldave - Uld Healer/DPS - 2116
Lisha - Uld DPS - 2113
Haystealer - Uld DPS - 2093
Aenicus - Uld DPS/Healer - 2089
Huracan - Uld Tank/DPS - 2086
Lashtail - Uld DPS/Tank - 2077
Danaris - Uld Healer/DPS - 2046
Deadrush - Uld DPS - 2043
Gnarkillyou - Uld Tank/DPS - 2022
Invisigoth - Uld DPS - 1980
Yukaya - Uld DPS - 1978
Zerkofark - Uld DPS - 1966
Lashstar - Hero Healer/DPS - 1929
Demonevil - Hero DPS - 1921
Bloodstained - Hero DPS/Tank - 1843
Bandage - Hero DPS/Healer - 1765
Sonnygrazo - Hero DPS - 1740
Krypticdeath - Hero Tank/DPS - 1693
Mahaliel - Hero Healer/DPS - 1671
Dinkadink - Hero DPS - 1551
Icuudontcme - Hero DPS - 1534
Lichknightt - Hero DPS - 1506
Bloodtheron - Hero DPS - 1487
Buluva - Hero DPS/Healer - 1378
Paladius - Hero Healer/DPS - 1224
Marrak - Hero DPS - 1202
Moldren - Hero /DPS - 1141
Theblitz - Hero Tank/DPS - 1034
Banality - Hero DPS - 1001
Crepitus - Hero DPS - 962
Skreken - Hero DPS - 713

Sunday Raid

Grats to all the raiders from yesterday. We downed Obsidian Sanctum with 1 drake up in only 2 tries and then proceeded to single shot Flame Leviathan, Razorscale and XT in Ulduar. Try and read up on all the Ulduar bosses and strategies for 1,2 and 3 drakes up OS (3 might be pushing it, I've heard it's ridiculous). Anyway, great job yesterday...good to be raiding again with all our new gear.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Raid - Every Sunday @ 3 pm server

Informal, No set group, no set goal, no progression, no hassle, no guarantees.

The idea... get together on a sunday afternoon and kill stuff.
Priority = Down OS w/ some drakes down, get the hang of it, then do OS3D + get some badges.
2nd = WG if we own it, down first boss always, work on second.
3rd = Ulduar, first 4 bosses on farm, simple. work on ones after that.

Any ideas?

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Alright, tomorrow is sunday, lets try to get a Naxx-10 or OS10, WG10 run going tomorrow. Perhaps around 3pm server time?

Naxx-10 is still better for farming conquest badges so Other than needing 2 tanks and 2 heals, any alts or mains will work. Lets get the guild some gear. Also, we need a disenchanter!!!! :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Return Of: What Are You Ready For?

So I know it's been a couple of months since I've updates this and I thought with all the new gear might be fun to see where everyone's at. Also, pending Lash's permission, I think we should redo the guild rankings a little so people will now what they can run, especially as our gear will only be getting better. The new rankings would be Trial of the Crusader (ToC), Ulduar (Uld) and Heroics (Hero). As always:
This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 9/2/09:

Bigsky - ToC Healer/DPS - 2335
Graynight - ToC Tank/DPS - 2298
Exarkun - ToC Tank - 2239
Sinscribe - ToC Healer/DPS - 2236
Nisu - ToC DPS/Healer - 2215
Jinda - ToC DPS/Healer - 2207
Bamapriest - Uld Healer - 2157
Loktahr - Uld Tank/DPS - 2136
Gnarkilldave - Uld Healer/DPS - 2116
Aenicus - Uld DPS/Healer - 2089
Lashtail - Uld DPS/Tank - 2077
Lisha - Uld DPS - 2061
Deadlydorite - Uld DPS - 2058
Danaris - Uld Healer/DPS - 2046
Huracan - Uld Tank/DPS - 2035
Invisigoth - Uld DPS - 1980
Yukaya - Uld DPS - 1978
Zerkofark - Uld DPS - 1966
Deadrush - Uld DPS - 1958
Lashstar - Hero Healer/DPS - 1929
Demonevil - Hero DPS - 1921
Bloodstained - Hero DPS/Tank - 1843
Colloquial - Hero DPS - 1770
Sonnygrazo - Hero DPS - 1740
Haystealer - Hero DPS - 1698
Krypticdeath - Hero Tank/DPS - 1693
Bandage - Hero DPS/Healer - 1688
Gnarkillyou - Hero Tank/DPS - 1675
Mahaliel - Hero Healer/DPS - 1625
Spodium - Hero DPS - 1601
Dinkadink - Hero DPS - 1551
Lichknightt - Hero DPS - 1506
Icuudontcme - Hero DPS - 1500
Buluva - Hero DPS/Healer - 1378
Bloodtheron - Hero DPS - 1289
Marrak - Hero DPS - 1202
Paladius - Hero Healer/DPS - 1145
Theblitz - Hero Tank/DPS - 1034
Banality - Hero DPS - 1001
Crepitus - Hero DPS - 962
Skreken - Hero DPS - 713

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Raid Reset

Hi Gang,

Sorry i've been off quite a bit this summer but reality does take over once in a while.
I am really pleased to see the direction of improvement in our characters, capabilities and committment to have fun.

Unfortunately, with the break up of our established raiding group from the winter and early spring, we have had trouble getting our raids back on track. Fortunately Huracan and Deadrush have been doing a great job keeping the raid on track.
A big Tauren Hug to you both.

However, I see a problem and I have discussed it with the members of the Stampede( of course Hura hasn't been on or Dead when I'm on so I hope your not to blindsided by this post) which is our start time. We have a lot of people interested, and friends of the guild as well to create a core but our time needs to go back to the 5:00pm ST. as in killing trash at 5:00pm ST.

Therefore, I am putting up this proposal to begin in August.

1. That the Stampede continue theh 10 man Naxx Normal Tues Night Invites at 4:45 pm ST - Kills at 5:00 pm. ST. we do two wings Spider and Plague as they are the lighter sides.

2. Thursday Night invites at 4:45 pm ST. Raid at 5:00 pm .Military wing only.

3. Sat. Morning Clean up 7:00 am. Construct wing.

I would like a list of good friends we can post invites to if we need to fill in the gaps.
I have 1 healer Alanis that could fill in and Shiamoon in DPS , as well as Vonboom and his fiance.
Our goal is to have 3 healers 3 tanks (dps mix and match) and 4 great Dps and 2 well they need to bump up.

The reason for this proposed change is that its too late for many of us to do with work in the morning or well damnit were not as young as we used to be. :)

Which means, we need people who respect time,, We know when starts are, we should not have to be waiting to have people come in late or complain we left on time. Apparently this was an issue while I was away. If some people can t make the start perhaps we can do a shift change in the second part or next boss.

Many of our main toons have left to do 25 man Naxx and Uludar so we need to keep raiding to keep interest. So to help others out who dont raid we can do Heroics on the off Nights
Monday, Wed, Fri. Sunday and Sat. Night with two time periods. 2:30 pmST and 6:00 pm ST. that way if you want to be in a heroic thats the times we do them for invites.. If we standardize the times people can know when to be available. Just a suggestion.

Anyway, lets talk
Best regards Lash GM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I will be gone for the next 2 weeks.

My son will be wrestling in Fargo for the next two weeks so good luck to you all in Naxx.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Gnarks Gone! (for a bit)

Hi all its Gnark. I will be moving from MD to TX from the 14th or so through the 22nd and may not be back online until i get internet. It is supposed to be at my apartment by the 21st but we all know how that goes. Good luck on Naxx all!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 7/7/09:

Exarkun - 25 Man Tank - 2154
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2140
Graynight - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 2098
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS/Healer - 2089
Jinda - 25 Man DPS/Healer - 2055
Danaris - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2046
Loktahr - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 1989
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982
Gnarkilldave - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1969
Lisha - 25 Man DPS - 1938
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1935
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1924
Deadrush - 25 Man DPS - 1901
Nisu - Heroic DPS/Healer - 1891
Zerkofark - 25 Man DPS - 1867
Demonevil - 25 Man DPS - 1865
Dantius - 25 Man DPS - 1865
Bigsky - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1862
Lashtail - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1837
Colloquial - 25 Man DPS - 1770
Sonnygrazo - 25 Man DPS - 1729
Bloodstained - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1725
Psyonis - 25 Man DPS - 1723
Chewincud - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1711
Deadlydorite - 10 Man DPS - 1673
Krypticdeath - 10 Man Tank/DPS - 1637
Huracan - 10 Man Tank/DPS - 1633
Bandage - 10 Man DPS/Healer - 1618
Chauria - 10 Man Tank - 1611
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer/DPS - 1558
Becca - 10 Man Tank - 1529
Spodium - 10 Man DPS - 1501
Korongar - 10 Man DPS - 1500
Dinkadink - 10 Man DPS - 1461
Buluva - Heroic DPS/Healer - 1336
Lichknightt - Heroic DPS - 1281
Xxbloodelfsy - Heroic DPS - 1207
Marrak - Heroic DPS - 1202
Paladius - Heroic Healer/DPS - 1183
Banality - Heroic DPS - 1089
Skreken - Heroic Tank - 1050
Icuudontcme - Heroic DPS - 992
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 962

A big welcome to Chewincud, Lichknightt and Xxbloodelfsy. Make sure to sign up for Naxx runs on Tuesdays @ 6 p.m. and Saturdays @ 7a.m.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 6/23/09:

Exarkun - 25 Man Tank - 2154
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2140
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS/Healer - 2089
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 2050
Danaris - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2046
Graynight - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 2002
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982
Gnarkilldave - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1969
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1924
Deadrush - 25 Man DPS - 1901
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1890
Lisha - 25 Man DPS - 1888
Ñorad - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 1871
Zerkofark - 25 Man DPS - 1867
Demonevil - 25 Man DPS - 1865
Dantius - 25 Man DPS - 1865
Bigsky - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1862
Lashtail - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1837
Loktahr - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 1776
Colloquial - 25 Man DPS - 1770
Sonnygrazo - 25 Man DPS - 1729
Psyonis - 25 Man DPS - 1723
Bloodstained - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1716
Krypticdeath - 10 Man Tank/DPS - 1637
Huracan - 10 Man Tank/DPS - 1633
Bandage - 10 Man DPS/Healer - 1618
Chauria - 10 Man Tank - 1611
Becca - 10 Man Tank - 1529
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer/DPS - 1526
Stupidhead - 10 Man DPS - 1508
Boheeka - 10 Man DPS - 1503
Spodium - 10 Man DPS - 1501
Korongar - 10 Man DPS - 1500
Dinkadink - Heroic DPS - 1438
Deadlydorite - Heroic DPS - 1340
Buluva - Heroic DPS/Healer - 1336
Paladius - Heroic Healer/DPS - 1183
Nisu - Heroic DPS/Healer - 1166
Marrak - Heroic DPS - 1109
Banality - Heroic DPS - 1089
Skreken - Heroic Tank - 1050
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 962
Icuudontcme - Heroic DPS - 788
Zorani - Heroic DPS - 617

Haven't updated this list in quite a while so welcome to our new Stampeders and grats to those who have turned 80. Keep on gearing up.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fyska and Raid

Hey gang,

Wanted to share with you all that Fyska is stepping away from WOW. He wanted to make sure everyone knew how much fun he had playing with everybody. We wish him the best of luck.

Also, Tuesday's group got through Spider and Plague wings again, one-shotting 5 out of 6 bosses and 2-shotting Maexxna. We will be going for the completion Saturday morning at 7 am sharp. Invites have been sent out. Please read up on Construct and Military wings so we can be prepared.

See you then,

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hey everyone

Just want to let everyone know that I'll be back in the game very soon. I am out of boot camp as of yesterday and I am now at my "A" school.

Since it is the weekend its pretty much liberty for me. I went up by the Naval Exchange and saw some pretty decent laptops up there so I may go buy one tommorow. If not I will get one again on the 15th when I get paid again. Either way I will be back to playing very very soon.

I look forward to seeing 'yall again.

This morning's raid

Just wanted to drop a note about this morning's raid. Overall, a very successful group. Finished Spider and Plague quarters in a reasonable amount of time though definitely room for improvement. One shotted 4 of the bosses and I think everyone can guess the one that took the most time (Dance, dance, dance).

Hura has already set up the invites for Tuesday. I will be unable to attend due to a prior engagement but can help clean up any leftover quarters on Saturday morning if needed. I'll set up that invite soon.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Thanks for adding me to the Blog. Just saying hello!

New Raid Times

Alrighty. So Huracan and I will be leading a Tuesday night raid @ 5:45 p.m. and a Saturday morning raid @ 7:00 a.m. (hopefully my new job hours won't interfere with this). I haven't talked to Hura at length, but I know we will be concentrating on getting Naxx on farm, I would think to about a 3 hour raid. I'm also guessing we'll be throwing in some OS and VoA as well. Once we get some added gear to people, I really would like to give Malygos a try with a group of the Stampede's finest. Obviously, it would require a much greater study of the fight.

Anyway, if these times do not work out for you, please feel free to start up a group on a night that is available to you. I also need to talk to Lash but it might be time to start recruiting in trade chat. I'm thinking a sample would be:

"The Tauren Stampede is seeking new members of any class and/or spec. Must be level 70+ but more than welcome to bring in alts once a member. We are a friendly casual guild currently raiding 10 man Naxx and OS. Guild tabard, 5 tab GB, vent channel, website...Hear the thundering hooves of the Horde."

What do you guys think?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Guild Raids

Agenda #1: I know there has been a lot of discussion about who will be leading the raids from here on out. I am perfectly happy leading on the times that I am available and I think that Huracan is the same (I also think we share some available times). I think, if prodded, Glorn doesn't mind either and so would Lash if RL ever settles down for him. Perhaps Wada and/or Morty can be sucked out of "raid retirement" too. Anyway, I think that's what we will have have as far as raid leadership goes moving forward from here.

Agenda #2: I think we need to coordinate some specific times that most people are available. I will continue to have a Saturday morning going in at least some capacity, whether it be OS, VoA, heroics or Naxx. I'll also be available, starting the middle of June, on Tuesday nights. Please leave a comment with what days and what times work for you so maybe we can organize things better than the past month.

Agenda #3: We have the firepower in our guild to make a run Malygos and think this should definitely be one of our goals going forward. Let me know what you guys think.

Agenda #4: Lash commented a while ago that he thought my post signature was cool. For those that want to get one, just got to http://www.siglaunch.com. It's free and easy (does it sound like I'm advertising for them) and you can do one for each of your toons. For instance, I'll end this post with Sinscribe's:

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com/ showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 5/29/09:

Exarkun - 25 Man Tank - 2154
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2140
Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2135
Wadataka - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2116
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS/Healer - 2089
Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 2078
Bamapriest - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2069
Fyska - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2062
Danaris - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2046
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 2029
Graynight - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 2002
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982
Gnarkilldave - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1969
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1924
Cottonrocket - 25 Man Tank/Healer - 1882
Zerkofark - 25 Man DPS - 1867
Dantius - 25 Man DPS - 1865
Aldie - 25 Man DPS - 1830
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1793
Lashtail - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1788
Deadrush - 25 Man DPS - 1771
Colloquial - 25 Man DPS - 1770
Psyonis - 25 Man DPS - 1723
Bloodstained - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1716
Demonevil - 10 Man DPS - 1697
Huracan - 10 Man Tank/DPS - 1633
Chauria - 10 Man Tank - 1611
Bandage - 10 Man DPS/Healer - 1559
Becca - 10 Man Tank - 1529
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer/DPS - 1526
Boheeka - 10 Man DPS - 1503
Spodium - 10 Man DPS - 1501
Korongar - 10 Man DPS - 1500
Thunderessa - 10 Man DPS - 1484
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1339
Buluva - Heroic DPS/Healer - 1191
Paladius - Heroic Healer/DPS - 1183
Lisha - Heroic DPS - 1181
Marrak - Heroic DPS - 1109
Banality - Heroic DPS - 1089
Skreken - Heroic Tank - 1050
Loktahr - Heroic Tank/DPS - 998
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 962
Zorani - Heroic DPS - 617

The Tauren Stampede would like to welcome Wadataka to the guild and congratulations to Loktahr for reaching 80.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Wayward Guild Master Returns

Hi Gang,

Lashtail here back from a wicked dose of reality life so my apologies for not being able to be on much the past 6 weeks. I will be on more often now to help co-oridnate and support some raiding and heroics runs for our members.

First though I would like to thank the valuable time and effort by our raid leaders Wadataka, Meurtdehoof and Deadrush.

We do need to gain another 3 members that are raid worthy in the next month or so. We also need to help our alt (dual spec) healers get some practice doing heroics.

Being summer is upon us this is the usual time for WOW interest to drop off so we may need to figure the best two times for most members to be on for Naxx. Also we need to set aside 2 nights a week for running 2 groups doing Herioics.

I am proposing that Friday nights 7:00 pm for 2 heroics dungeons
and we will see if the Monday and Wed Nights can currently pull a Naxx or do we limit our selves to one quarter of Naxx each of those nights for gearing up.

Anyway we will work things out and hope to meet our new members soon.

Best Regards


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com/ showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 5/20/09:

Exarkun - 25 Man Tank - 2154
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2140
Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2135
Nerfertiti - 25 Man DPS - 2080
Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 2078
Bamapriest - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2069
Kaylipso - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2054
Danaris - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2046
Fyska - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2036
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 2029
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS/Healer - 1986
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982
Gnarkilldave - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1941
Graynight - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 1928
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1924
Cottonrocket - 25 Man Tank/Healer - 1882
Zerkofark - 25 Man DPS - 1867
Dantius - 25 Man DPS - 1865
Aldie - 25 Man DPS - 1830
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1793
Lashtail - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1788
Deadrush - 25 Man DPS - 1771
Colloquial - 25 Man DPS - 1770
Psyonis - 25 Man DPS - 1723
Bloodstained - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1716
Demonevil - 10 Man DPS - 1697
Huracan - 10 Man Tank/DPS - 1628
Chauria - 10 Man Tank - 1611
Arsonwells - 10 Man Tank - 1570
Bandage - 10 Man DPS/Healer - 1559
Becca - 10 Man Tank - 1529
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer/DPS - 1526
Korongar - 10 Man DPS - 1500
Boheeka - 10 Man DPS - 1489
Spodium - 10 Man DPS - 1488
Thunderessa - 10 Man DPS - 1484
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1339
Paladius - Heroic Healer/DPS - 1183
Lisha - Heroic DPS - 1163
Marrak - Heroic DPS - 1109
Skreken - Heroic Tank - 1050
Buluva - Heroic DPS/Healer - 994
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 962
Banality - Heroic DPS - 820
Zorani - Heroic DPS - 617

The Tauren Stampede would like to welcome Exarkun to the guild.

Friday, May 15, 2009

RL interfering with WoW :P

Work has me doing 5 16-hour shifts in a row. Added to lack of coffee & chocolate, I'm going to bow out of raiding for the next week.

There are enough healers that this shouldn't forestall the group. If someone reads it here, would they mind telling someone like Danaris, cube, or moma please..

Good luck guys

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 5/12/09:

Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2106
Nerfertiti - 25 Man DPS - 2080
Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 2078
Kaylipso - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2054
Bamapriest - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2049
Danaris - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2046
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer - 2046
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 2029
Oxxykotton - 25 Man DPS - 1992
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS/Healer - 1986
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982
Fyska - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 1957
Gnarkilldave - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1941
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1924
Graynight - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 1893
Cottonrocket - 25 Man Tank/Healer - 1882
Momakonda - 25 Man DPS - 1868
Zerkofark - 25 Man DPS - 1867
Dantius - 25 Man DPS - 1850
Lashtail - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1788
Colloquial - 25 Man DPS - 1770
Aldie - 25 Man DPS - 1758
Deadrush - 25 Man DPS - 1751
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1751
Psyonis - 25 Man DPS - 1723
Demonevil - 10 Man DPS - 1697
Huracan - 10 Man Tank/DPS - 1628
Chauria - 10 Man Tank - 1611
Bloodstained - 10 Man DPS/Tank - 1588
Arsonwells - 10 Man Tank - 1570
Bandage - 10 Man DPS/Healer - 1559
Becca - 10 Man Tank - 1529
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer/DPS - 1526
Korongar - 10 Man DPS - 1500
Boheeka - 10 Man DPS - 1489
Savina - Heroic DPS - 1363
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1339
Thunderessa - Heroic DPS - 1289
Spodium - Heroic DPS - 1275
Paladius - Heroic Healer/DPS - 1183
Lisha - Heroic DPS - 1149
Marrak - Heroic DPS - 1109
Skreken - Heroic Tank - 1050
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 962
Buluva - Heroic DPS/Healer - 823
Banality - Heroic DPS - 820
Zephroes - Heroic Tank - 741
Zorani - Heroic DPS - 617

Congrats to Kaylipso for moving up a rank and to Buluva for hitting 80.

Weekend Morning Group

Alrighty, so Sunday's run was a little disappointing.

Some observations:
1) Only 2 healers for our Naxx run and based on our inexperience (myself included) I think we really need 3.
2) A little low on the dps due to a few alts being used.
3) Knowledge of the fight a little lacking.

1) As much as I'd love to have a full guild run, it just might not be in the cards for us yet. So instead of bumping a healer spot for a guild dps, I think we need to pug a 3rd healer if there are not 3 available in-guild.
2) Low dps can really be fixed by coming on your main character. Most of our mains are doing nice dps/tanking/healing but some of our alts are a little bit behind. If you want to join a pug mid-week, please use your alt on that and bring your main on the weekend. If your main is already involved with the Wada/Maha group then obviously that's different. I think I will start scheduling for Saturday instead of Sunday as there seem to be a few more people on.
3) Please, please, please, please just check out youtube for videos on the fight. They are all over the place and it just takes a few minutes to find out the entire strategy of the boss fights.

Anyway, all that being said, we will try again this Saturday 7am ST. I think we'll try the Plague Quarter first just to change things up and then move on. I will send out invites this evening.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com/ showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 5/5/09:

Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2106
Nerfertiti - 25 Man DPS - 2080
Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 2078
Danaris - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2046
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer - 2040
Bamapriest - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 2004
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 2003
Oxxykotton - 25 Man DPS - 1992
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS/Healer - 1976
Fyska - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 1957
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1924
Momakonda - 25 Man DPS - 1868
Zerkofark - 25 Man DPS - 1867
Graynight - 25 Man Tank/DPS - 1863
Dantius - 25 Man DPS - 1850
Cottonrocket - 25 Man Tank/Healer - 1801
Lashtail - 25 Man DPS/Tank - 1788
Colloquial - 25 Man DPS - 1770
Aldie - 25 Man DPS - 1758
Deadrush - 25 Man DPS - 1751
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1751
Psyonis - 25 Man DPS - 1723
Gnarkilldave - 25 Man Healer/DPS - 1713
Demonevil - 10 Man DPS - 1697
Huracan - 10 Man Tank/DPS - 1628
Chauria - 10 Man Tank - 1611
Kaylipso - 10 Man Healer/DPS - 1603
Bloodstained - 10 Man DPS/Tank - 1588
Bandage - 10 Man DPS/Healer - 1559
Becca - 10 Man Tank - 1529
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer/DPS - 1526
Korongar - 10 Man DPS - 1500
Arsonwells - 10 Man Tank - 1494
Boheeka - 10 Man DPS - 1489
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1339
Thunderessa - Heroic DPS - 1213
Paladius - Heroic Healer/DPS - 1183
Savina - Heroic DPS - 1135
Skreken - Heroic Tank - 1050
Lisha - Heroic DPS - 1007
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 962
Spodium - Heroic DPS - 929
Marrak - Heroic DPS - 887
Banality - Heroic DPS - 820
Zephroes - Heroic Tank - 741
Zorani - Heroic DPS - 617

Welcome Colloquial, Psyonis, Gnarkilldave and Zorani to the guild...congrats to Savina and Banality for hitting 80.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Kel'thuzad has been nuked. Tauren Stampede has now downed all of naxx. :)
Tanks: Muertedehoof & Fyska
Heals: Danaris & Me
DPS: Aldie, Dantius, Cubex, Oxxykotton, Zerkofark, Marrak

Muertedehoof now has the key to start the Malygos encounter.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Useable Resources

Every day or so, I peruse the guild roster on Wow-heroes to see how people are doing on gear upgrades. One of these days, I'll take it one step farther and figure out what ppl need instance wide to help them.

A few people asked me to explain my spell rotation on Bandage the other day and it got me thinking. I usually power-level a toon to 75 or so and don't really pay attention to the mechanics of a particular class as they change very rapidly every 20 levels or so. Once I hit 75 now, I tend to focus on learning the techniques and focus of the playstyles.

The first thing I do is look the character up on the net, look for the highest damage specs, rotations, and the stat focus. For healing, this changes to Healing per mana efficiency of various spells, then stat focus. Also for healers, you have highest healing/minute and highest mana efficiency builds.

First: Check out http://www.talentchic.com/

Second: Google your class/spec "shadow priest wrath 3.1" and look for blogs, but turn security on your browser way way up and do a virus scan before you log into wow next. Ppl love to toss keyloggers into ads or other portions of sites.

Third: Look at http://www.wow-heroes.com/, look up some of the better raiding guilds, find a person who is the spec you're looking into, compare you're gear/stat focus/spec to theirs.

Fourth: Adjust your spec to focus on either heroic or raiding, get the best enchants you can afford (keeping in mind that unless your in full 200/213 gear, you're going to be getting upgrades so don't do the ones that cost 1+K gold apiece)

Fifth: look up your char on http://www.wowarmory.com/ and find craftable/questable/Reputation upgrades and make a list in a word file. List the SLOT for the item, then list the order you're likely to persue/obtain them. This will help with which instances to run.

Sixth: Glyphs are an insane addition to every spec. And they are completely spec dependent. These are an absolute necessity.

Interspersed Between 1-6: Talk to ppl who are masters of their spec, hell, ask for advice on general " Anyone on that can give me advice for specifics on XXXX class/spec" And then look up this person on armory/heroes and guage their char versus their advice.

Sixth: Here's something alot of parttime or periodic raiders dont like. When you raid, you're responsibility is to bring the most you can do the raid, that means bring potions, food, etc. Of even higher importance is that even though you may like a particular spec, if one does substantially better dps across the board.... use the higher dps one.

Example: A hunter in DnR had been marksman for years, kept the same spec. Last week, changed to survival. DPS went from 2.9 to 3.7K dps in the course of one night raiding. With research, he chose survival because alot of the fights in naxx/ulduar are AOE intensive which makes keeping pets alive difficult, and BM damage is greatly pet dependent but higher than survival when the pet survives.

One of the problem I think people are facing is that they don't raid fulltime so in their spare time, they lvl alts. Rather than focusing on one, and getting the best gear available, they spread that time commitment across 2-3-4+ alts.

Just as a frame of reference
Heroics: you're going to have 3-5 buffs.
Raids: You're going to have 7-20 odd buffs.
Test Dummies: will be lower than your actual dps output in raids/heroics. On the regular dummy I pulled 1.9K on a shadow priest. Heroic/Raid I pulled 1.4-5K. In actual heroics I pull 1.8-2K and Raids I've pulled 2.3-2.6K due to buffs and other factors.

For Heroics, if you can't sustain > 1.2K dps across the board, you're a liability. This might sound harsh, but the longer a fight lasts, the longer it takes to get that rift down, the more adds/spawns/damage etc the raid takes. Now, given that this is a game, and "liability" is a hardcore term. I don't define "liability" as "you suck" I define it as "you're character/rotation/gear needs more work." With gear and proper rotation, you should be around 2.2-3K dps or somewhere around there.

For Raids(10): 1.5K is the rough minimum unless there are proportionately better geared people to carry you. Well geared in raids should pull 2.5K+ dps. Truly obsessed people should be pulling 3K-5K+ dps depending on fight and class.

Before Wrath, I was uninterested in raids, focused on alts, had 4 70's and every craft to 375. I'd gotten into a few raids, but didn't know the mechanics/fights/ or how to maximize my dps in given situations. Didn't really care as I was enjoying the experience. Needless to say, the fights took longer than they should have and were rougher. Once wrath came out, I went resto with Wad, got invited to raids, and quickly learned the cost of the above mentality. Ulduar w/ one unaware person = wipe. Deconstructor has a 6 minute rage timer, requires 2.8K+ dps constant throughout. Try doing that with 1-2 people dead.........

:P, Got to love being bored at work with nothing whatsoever to do except spam a blog site :P

Monday, April 20, 2009

Specs of TS 80s

So Wada thought a good idea would be to make a list of all of our lvl 80's dual specs. This way we can see who's available for what. I will put this in with the welcome/policy/guild ranking posts on the right side of the page for easy access. Please either leave a comment that lists each individual toon you have or message me in game. This should also help recognize which toons belong to which person for those with multiples. Please try and somewhat follow the format I've used. If you have the 51-pt talent in a tree you can just list that spec or you can specify if you have a hybrid:

Deadrush (Rogue): Assassination & Assassination/Subtlety = Sinscribe (Priest): Holy heals & Discipline heals = Graynight (Death Knight): Frost tank & Unholy dps = Demonevil (Warlock): Affliction & Destruction

Lashtail (Warrior): Fury dps & Protection tank = Lashtar (Priest): Holy heals & Shadow dps

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Did I ever mention that I hate changing guilds, its such a complete pain in the arse.

I left misfits for Dawning Vengeance, promised a raid slot, got ignored, noone was ever around to do anything. Very clique oriented.

So, I was invited to Dead N Red, people were welcoming, but were also very rude to non-DnR people. We're talking, I'd like to beat them up side the head with a bat type of rude.. Once I paid back my obligation to them for the gear they'd gotten me

I was invited to Wrath as DnR wasn't raiding at all, joined wrath, guaranteed a raid slot, the night we were supposed to start that week, the GM disbanded the guild so he could change servers w/ the ppl that the guild had geared the most.

Wrath became Dynasty, new GM has too many healers and would rather take a friend w/ less gear and wanted me to go Boomkin. They have no raid schedule, good people, but they spend 20 minutes between bosses. 3 hours = Spider + Plague Quarter, and Patch. Got ignored most of the raid as well, no healing assignments on Patch = 1 wipe. They listened to me after that.

When I offered to help tank patch as we were overstocked on healers, Despite the fact I had more of every stat than their best geared tank, they ignored my request, didn't even turn it down :P

Needless to say, DnR is approaching me again to heal for them. The two biggest antagonists in the guild (of 3) are gone. Accounts got hacked and they left. Wrath of God Maybe???. They're doing Ulduar-25 man tonight.

I've told them that I'd do it as long as people weren't horribly offensive or healer-bashing :P

It shouldn't be unreasonable to do Naxx-10 w/o me. I'm not irreplaceable but I know also that Morty is gone for a week, which is one of the reasons that I accepted. It would still be good for the group if they tried to run it, even if that meant pugging a couple of people. Spider wing should be easily doable.

I'm at work and didn't have time this morning to leave a note ingame about it.

Did I mention I hate changing guilds?

Friday, April 17, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 4/17/09:

Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank - 2052 (NC)
Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2041 (+33)
Nerfertiti - 25 Man DPS - 2037 (+28)
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer - 2019 (NC)
Bamapriest - 25 Man Healer - 1984 (+73)
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982 (NC)
Fyska - 25 Man Tank - 1940 (+166)
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS - 1925 (+20)
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer - 1924 (+16)
Graynight - 25 Man Tank - 1863 (NC)
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 1824 (NC)
Danaris - 25 Man Healer - 1823 (New)
Cottonrocket - 25 Man Tank - 1801 (+157)
Lashtail - 25 Man Tank - 1788 (+67)
Momakonda - 25 Man DPS - 1773 (-95)
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1751 (+51)
Aldie - 25 Man DPS - 1750 (New)
Dantius - 25 Man DPS - 1720 (New)
Demonevil - 25 Man DPS - 1679 (+23)
Zerkofark - 10 Man DPS - 1698 (+100)
Oxxykotton - 10 Man DPS - 1691 (+69)
Deadrush - 10 Man DPS - 1667 (-38)
Spelczeker - 10 Man DPS - 1653 (+187)
Krypticdeath - 10 Man Tank - 1632 (+98)
Sonnygrazo - 10 Man DPS - 1533 (NC)
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer - 1526 (+37)
Endorfin - 10 Man DPS - 1505 (+76)
Arsonwells - 10 Man Tank - 1494 (+121)
Korongar - 10 Man DPS - 1475 (New)
Bigsky - Heroic DPS - 1429 (+20)
Becca - Heroic Tank - 1427 (+110)
Bandage - Heroic DPS - 1399 (+201)
Chauria - Heroic Tank - 1399 (New)
Boheeka - Heroic DPS - 1377 (NC)
Huracan - Heroic Tank - 1332 (+216)
Bloodstained - Heroic DPS - 1319 (NC)
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1265 (NC)
Thunderessa - Heroic DPS - 1175 (New)
Paladius - Heroic Healer - 1125 (-6)
Skreken - Heroic DPS - 1050 (NC)
Spodium - Heroic DPS - 929 (+128)
Unholykross - Heroic Tank - 921 (NC)
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 894 (NC)
Usdareject - Heroic DPS - 891 (NC)
Marrak - Heroic DPS - 887 (New)
Lisha - Heroic DPS - 850 (+14)
Zephroes - Heroic Tank - 726 (NC)
Missmarbull - Heroic DPS - 716 (NC)

Welcome Danaris, Aldie, Dantius, Korongar, Chauria, Thunderessa and Marrak to the guild...congrats to Demonevil, Bandage and Huracan for bumping up a rank and to Huracan for being having the high gear improvement score on the week.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Weekend Morning Raids

Hey guys,

Just an update on our weekend morning raid group. We were able to do VoA on Sat AM with only 2 people pugged, however we got run over when trying to do OS. We just did not have the dps necessary to get through things. Sun. AM we breezed through OS with a different group. No wipes, no deaths and people were suggesting we should do with 1 drake up (we only had 2 tanks so we could not).

So we are going to have to put a minimum cap on dps to join. I'm thinking 1400+ is a good place to start. Though I hope we can eventually get to the point where we can take one or 2 people that aren't hitting this number, for the time being only these people will be invited and the rest will be pugged while we learn some things. My hope is to do VoA/OS for one more week, maybe 2, and then begin on Naxx.

If you aren't hitting the required dps number, please read up on some rotations and tactics. I would really love it if we could get a full guild run with no pugs sometime next month.

Thanks for understanding and feel free to whisper me in game if you have any questions.

Friday, April 10, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com/ showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 4/10/09:

Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank - 2052 (+44)
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer - 2019 (+94)
Nerfertiti - 25 Man DPS - 2009 (New)
Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2008 (NC)
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982 (NC)
Bamapriest - 25 Man Healer - 1911 (+53)
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer - 1908 (NC)
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS - 1905 (+73)
Momakonda - 25 Man DPS - 1868 (NC)
Graynight - 25 Man Tank - 1863 (+23)
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 1824 (+59)
Fyska - 25 Man Tank - 1774 (+38)
Lashtail - 25 Man Tank - 1721 (-68)
Deadrush - 25 Man DPS - 1705 (+140)
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1700 (-30)
Demonevil - 10 Man DPS - 1679 (+104)
Cottonrocket - 10 Man Tank - 1644 (NC)
Oxxykotton - 10 Man DPS - 1622 (+78)
Zerkofark - 10 Man DPS - 1598 (-76)
Krypticdeath - 10 Man Tank - 1534 (New)
Sonnygrazo - 10 Man DPS - 1533 (New)
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer - 1489 (+27)
Spelczeker - 10 Man DPS - 1466 (+179)
Endorfin - Heroic DPS - 1429 (+22)
Bigsky - Heroic DPS - 1409 (New)
Boheeka - Heroic DPS - 1377 (-18)
Arsonwells - Heroic Tank - 1373 (New)
Bloodstained - Heroic DPS - 1319 (NC)
Becca - Heroic Tank - 1317 (-46)
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1265 (NC)
Bandage - Heroic DPS - 1198 (New)
Paladius - Heroic Healer - 1131 (-42)
Huracan - Heroic Tank - 1116 (New)
Skreken - Heroic DPS - 1050 (NC)
Unholykross - Heroic Tank - 921 (New)
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 894 (NC)
Usdareject - Heroic DPS - 891 (New)
Lisha - Heroic DPS - 836 (New)
Spodium - Heroic DPS - 801 (NC)
Zephroes - Heroic Tank - 726 (NC)
Missmarbull - Heroic DPS - 716 (+64)

We have 41 level 80 characters.
Class count: 7 Warriors, 6 Death Knights, 5 Priests, 5 Paladins, 4 Mages, 4 Rogues, 3 Druids, 3 Hunters, 2 Warlocks, 2 Shaman.
Welcome Nerfertiti, Krypticdeath, Sonnygrazo, Arsonwells, Unholykross and Usdareject to the guild...congrats to Deadrush and Spelczeker for bumping up a rank...congrats to Bandage, Huracan and Lisha for hitting 80.
Soon to be 80: Banality (DPS), Buluva (DPS), Doola (DPS), Hollowedsoul (DPS).

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Raid Days

New Raid days for the regular group and anyone wishing to partake

Sunday thru Monday are designated for naxx-10.
Tuesday post-reset is designated for 10/25-man OS and WG

We're going to start at the usual time (5pm server time).

If there's any problems, contact either Muertedehoof or me

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday Morning Raid Group

Hey gang,

So I'm thinking while some of us (myself included) get a little more experience in raids, we are going to dedicate the Saturday morning crew to doing Obsidian Sanctum and Vault of Archavon runs. This will give us opportunities to gear up still and won't be quite the shock of jumping into the Naxx fire. We will start out with the 10 mans (majority made up of guildies) and perhaps we can add enough after those to pug some 25 man groups. Yesterday, we had myself, Sayjinquan (now Bamapriest), Yuk, Zerk, Morty, etc. try this and it seemed to work out. 7am ST seemed to be a little early for some so I'm going to bump it up to 7:30ST. Of course, you're always welcome to show up early and do some heroics with me. I'm sending out invites this morning to our Heroic and Devastator ranked guildies.

Quick question for Wada or Morty or anyone that knows...does OS reset like heroics where, if you are in the middle of a run, you are screwed?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Death Knight Frost Tanking

As promised a while ago, I wanted to put something in writing about DK frost tanking. Muertedehoof did a very nice post on unholy but I thought I could add my two cents on a very nice tanking spec.

First, a few general ideas:

1) You are a tank, you are not dps. Never, ever, ever, ever, under any cirumstances forget this. When gearing, gemming, enchanting and fighting, always ask yourself "How will this help me tank better?" Obviously, it's nice to do decent dps in an instance. But I would much rather be in a group with a tank that does 1000 dps and never loses aggro than a group with a tank that does 1600 dps but loses aggro at times because of it.

2) With great responibility comes great reward and people will love you if you do a good job. You might also get blamed a lot too if the group goes bad. Just be ready for the challenge.

3) You are extremely important to your group. 2 people that the group cannot function without are the tank and healer. If your healer continues to heal dps that is not doing what they should (not following kill order and drawing aggro, not getting away from AoE, etc.), kindly suggest the dps change their actions and, if they do not, inform the healer to not heal them since it is jeaopradizing the group. (I know it sounds harsh, but I had this happen one time...the dps will fall in line, believe me.)

On to the good stuff. This of course is subject to change. You can find my build here. My basic rotations are as follows:

Multiple mobs - Death and Decay, Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Pestilence, Howling Blast, Blood Boil, Obliterate...you start over again from this point with the exception of DnD (you will have created enough aggro by this time that it is not necessary a 2nd time. You can also throw in some Frost Strikes as rune-power dump attacks whenever everything else is on cooldown.
Single Mob - just the same as your multi-mob rotation but without DnD or Pestilence

Right now I have 3 macros. I have Deathchill bound to Howling Blast. I've also created 2 mitigation macros. I've bound Unbreakable Armor and Icebound Fortitude and use this on some of the harder pulls. I've also bound Lichborne and Sigil of the Unfaltering Knight to use primarily in sticky boss situations as a panic button.

This brings me to another point. You always want to strive to have precisely 540 defense. This makes you uncrittable. Having less means you risk putting a great strain on your healer and therefore your group. Having more means you probably have gems or enchants that are being wasted on unnecessary defense (having more than 540 does not really help you). However, if you have Sigil of the Unfaltering Knight, you only need to have 530 defense. The proc rate on this is 100% and counts for 10 defense.

I'll continue to try out some things so feel free to check back for updates.

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com/ showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 4/3/09:

Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2008
Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank - 2002
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer - 1925
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer - 1908
Momakonda - 25 Man DPS - 1868
Sayjinquan - 25 Man Healer - 1858
Graynight - 25 Man Tank - 1840
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS - 1832
Lashtail - 25 Man Tank - 1789
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 1765
Fyska - 25 Man Tank - 1736
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1730
Zerkofark - 10 Man DPS - 1674
Cottonrocket - 10 Man Tank - 1644
Demonevil - 10 Man DPS - 1575
Deadrush - 10 Man DPS - 1565
Oxxykotton - 10 Man DPS - 1544
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer - 1462
Endorfin - Heroic DPS - 1407
Boheeka - Heroic DPS - 1395
Becca - Heroic Tank - 1363
Bloodstained - Heroic DPS - 1319
Spelczeker - Heroic DPS - 1287
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1265
Paladius - Heroic Healer - 1173
Skreken - Heroic DPS - 1050
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 894
Spodium - Heroic DPS - 801
Zephroes - Heroic Tank - 726
Missmarbull - Heroic DPS - 652

We have 22 separate accounts with 31 level 80 characters.
Class count: 6 Death Knights, 4 Mages, 4 Paladins, 4 Warriors, 3 Druids, 3 Hunters, 3 Priests, 2 Rogues, 2 Warlocks, 0 Shaman.
Welcome Sayjinquan and Spelczeker to the guild and congrats to those who bumped up a rank. Soon to be 80: Banality (DPS), Buluva (DPS), Doola (DPS), Hollowedsoul (DPS), Huracan (Tank), Lisha (DPS).

Saturday Morning Raid

The time has come for us to try out our Saturday morning idea. We will be starting at around 7am ST. We'll see how many we have and may have to pug a few extras. If you have not raided before, please read up on the Spider Wing of Naxx. I've heard that is the easiest so we will probably start off with that one. Hope to see you then.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Change in Weekly 10-man Naxx Schedule

As of next week, with a new guild comes a new 25-man raiding schedule. Wrath raids from wednesday-Friday with the chance of weekends.

Are people available on any days (prefer 3) from Saturday to Tuesday? I'd still like to keep it to the 5pm server to whatever we decide to go to.

Can anyone not make this?
Might be nice to have Naxx be on sunday/monday and have WG/OS on Tuesday so more ppl can do it and we stand more of a chance of being able to do the 25-man WG.

Please, post you're thoughts.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sarth 1D coming next friday at 5pm Server

Ok, We've done Sartharian every week for a while now, time we spiced it up.

Could everyone please watch the Sarth video's where they have 1 dragon up. They are easy to find on Youtube, also check the tankspot forums or wowwiki concerning the tactics.

We're going to need 3 tanks and ~2 healers + 5 dps.

Tanks: Brutegar, Cottonrocket, Becca, fyska, Lash, ?
Healers: Wad, Sayjinquan, Lash, ?
DPS: Cubex, Danaris, Aldie, Dantius, Zerk/Yuk, Aenicus?

I only included the people that have raided with us at night before, if you're interested, please, say so, this isn't an exclusive list.

Sarth 1D:
1)Kill 2 of the harder dragons, they each have a different buff they bring to the encounter.
2) Start the fight with Sarth
3) One tank takes Sarth, 2 other tanks + dps take on the mini-dragon when it comes down.
Now, you've got 1 tank on Sarth, 1 tank on the mini-me, 1 tank on portal.
4) portal comes up, all dps, #3 tank, + 1 healer goes into the portal, ppl outside communicate with those inside if there's a firewall coming so that dps can halt on in-portal until wave is clear.
5) nuke mini-me, then focus on Sarth, 2 tanks control adds, ranged dps downs adds then returns to Sarth.
6) Sarth Dead, get better and more loot, have more risk = more fun :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stampede Goes Raiding In April

Hi Gang,

Well Spring has come and a new season for our guild emerges. From the winter with the help of Wadataka and Meurtdehoof and the Misfits we've been able to involve most able players into Naxx and get gear upgrades.
However, the time has come for the Stampede to make its mark and set a couple of raid time periods aside. I am proposing Thursday Nights 5:30 pm ST and Saturday mornings 7:00 am ST. This is flexible and I really am searching for member concensus on the times.
If you would please submit a post to this with your preferred times so we can all see I would be grateful .

This will be only for one quarter of Naxx to start (Spider Quarter), or we could also do a run at WG doing 10 man vault Sat. Mornings.
This will be the opportunity for all qualified guild members to particpate.
I want to thank everyone for being patient and upgrading their talents and equipment. There has been a huge improvement in gear and ranks.
Congratulations on a job well done.

Below are three columns showing who and what they will be in our raids.
The number beside each indicates their position of status within the raid.

#1 Meurtdehoof
#2 Lashtail
#3 Fyska
#4 Graynight
#5 Cottonrocket

#1 Cubex
#2 Meurtedehoof
#3 Mommakonda
#4 Aenicus
#5 Jinda
#6 Becca(also OT)
#7 Zerk
#8 Demonevil
#9 Yukaya
#10 Deadrush

#1 Wadataka aka Bandage to us
#2 Sinscribe
#3 Lashstar
#4 Sayjinquan
#5 Mahaliel

As the 10 Man Naxx requires 2 tanks Min. 2 Healers (3 is better) and 5 DPS (or 6) we are now well positioned to conquer Naxx. We have the people, we have the experience in most of us, now lets make some noise.

Regarding the current raid group split between the Stampede and the Misfits I am proposing that we consider asking them and the Sabrefang Knights and friends to create a 25 man raid group.

Looking for input and suggestions :)
Best Regards
Your GM Lash

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com/ showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 3/26/09:

Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2008
Muertedehoof - 25 Man DPS - 2002
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1960
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer - 1925
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer - 1896
Momakonda - 25 Man DPS - 1835
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS - 1800
Spoc - 25 Man DPS - 1776
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 1765
Lashtail - 25 Man Tank - 1764
Fyska - 10 Man Tank - 1660
Graynight - 10 Man Tank - 1625
Zerkofark - 10 Man DPS - 1615
Cottonrocket - 10 Man Tank - 1606
Demonevil - 10 Man DPS - 1575
Yukaya - 10 Man DPS - 1564
Deadrush - 10 Man DPS - 1523
Oxxykotton - 10 Man DPS - 1502
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer - 1462
Capataz - 10 Man Healer - 1453
Bloodstained - Heroic DPS - 1423
Boheeka - Heroic DPS - 1381
Becca - Heroic Tank - 1379
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1339
Paladius - Heroic Healer - 1186
Endorfin - Heroic DPS - 1170
Skreken - Heroic DPS - 1050
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 962
Zephroes - Heroic Tank - 741

We have 20 separate accounts with 29 level 80 characters.
Class count: 6 Death Knights, 4 Paladins, 3 Hunters, 3 Warriors, 3 Priests, 3 Mages, 2 Druids, 2 Rogues, 2 Warlocks, 1 Shaman.
Congratulations to Aenicus, Jinda, Fyska and Boheeka for bumping up a rank and to Cubex for hitting the 2K mark. Soon to be 80: Banality (DPS), Doola (DPS), Hollowedsoul (DPS), Lisha (DPS), Magno (Tank), Missmarbull (DPS) and Spodium (DPS).

Monday, March 23, 2009

College Basketball III

March is the best month of the year. A week ago I was wondering if Arizona would even be in the tournament and now they're in the Sweet 16 for the first time since '05. Playing with house money from here on out.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Friends of TTS

Just to post for those that don't normally participate in the M/W/F raid schedule, we have some friends in Misfits that crave instances and are always willing to help people.

Brutegar - Tank
Aldie, Dantius - very fun people, dps is respectable for the short time they've been raiding.
Danaris - a DPS that has just about every instance on farm with us.

These guys really know their stuff and are excellent people. Look them up when you can!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 3/21/09:

Muertedehoof - 25 Man Raid Tank - 2002
Sinscribe - 25 Man Raid Healer - 1905
Lashstar - 25 Man Raid Healer - 1890
Cubex - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1860
Invisigoth - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1836
Momakonda - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1831
Lashtail - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1816
Spoc - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1784
Jinda - 10 Man Raid DPS - 1658
Graynight - 10 Man Raid Tank - 1616
Cottonrocket - 10 Man Raid Tank - 1606
Aenicus - 10 Man Raid DPS - 1605
Demonevil - Heroic Instance DPS - 1567
Deadrush - 10 Man Raid DPS - 1499
Zerkofark - Heroic Instance DPS - 1485
Capataz - Heroic Instance DPS - 1451
Yukaya - Heroic Instance DPS - 1450
Bloodstained - Heroic Instance DPS - 1423
Becca - Heroic Instance Tank - 1379
Mahaliel - Heroic Instance Healer - 1351
Oxxykotton - Heroic Instance DPS - 1343
Finduilas - Heroic Instance Tank - 1339
Boheeka - Heroic Instance DPS - 1271
Fyska - Heroic Instance Tank - 1231
Paladius - Heroic Instance Healer - 1186
Azeraa - Heroic Instance DPS - 1076
Endorfin - Heroic Instance DPS - 1066
Skreken - Heroic Instance DPS - 1050
Crepitus - Heroic Instance DPS - 962
Zephroes - Heroic Instance Tank - 741

We have 21 separate accounts with 30 level 80 characters.
Class count: 6 Death Knights, 4 Hunters, 4 Paladins, 3 Warriors, 3 Priests, 3 Mages, 2 Druids, 2 Rogues, 2 Warlocks, 1 Shaman.
Congratulations to Muertedehoof for passing the 2000 mark and to Mahaliel for bumping up to the Heroics rank. Soon to be 80: Banality (DPS), Doola (DPS) and Hollowedsoul (DPS).

Friday, March 20, 2009

College Basketball II

Have I ever said how much I love this time of year? My Wildcats advance past Utah to meet.......Cleveland State?!?!?!? Normally I'd be excited about seeing a #13 seed but these guys look like the most athletic team in the tournament. O well, I'm just glad Arizona wasn't one and done again.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

College Basketball

I'm starting a new "Off Topic" label for all things non-WOW.

Just wanted to say you probably won't see me much starting Thursday as I will be engrossed in the 4 greatest sporting days of the year: the 1st weekend of March Madness. Good luck to all of you who have teams in the tourney.

Bear Down Arizona...Go Cats!

Weekend Raiding Group

Hey all,

Just wanted to find out how many would be interested in a weekend morning raiding group. I am pretty much unable to go any night of the week but Saturday and Sunday mornings work really well for me. If this applies to you too, just leave a comment and we'll see how many people we can gather up. You must be Heroic ranked or higher and be doing average to above average in heroic instance runs. I'm guessing we won't be able to get full group together but wanted to see how many people we would have to pug.

Side note: Please don't switch if you are already raiding with the Mon/Wed/Fri raiding group that Wada and Maha lead. They have a good thing going and I don't want to split that up in anyway. Just seeing if anyone that isn't raiding yet has the same weekday troubles that I do.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 3/17/09:

Muertedehoof - 25 Man Raid Tank - 1929
Sinscribe - 25 Man Raid Healer - 1863
Lashstar - 25 Man Raid Healer - 1847
Cubex - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1840
Invisigoth - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1836
Momakonda - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1831
Lashtail - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1751
Spoc - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1716
Graynight - 10 Man Raid Tank - 1575
Aenicus - 10 Man Raid DPS - 1563
Jinda - 10 Man Raid DPS - 1531
Cottonrocket - 10 Man Raid Tank - 1503
Deadrush - 10 Man Raid DPS - 1487
Bloodstained - Heroic Instance DPS - 1416
Capataz - Heroic Instance DPS - 1414
Yukaya - Heroic Instance DPS - 1406
Zerkofark - Heroic Instance DPS - 1382
Becca - Heroic Instance Tank - 1379
Demonevil - Heroic Instance DPS - 1365
Oxxykotton - Heroic Instance DPS - 1343
Finduilas - Heroic Instance Tank - 1331
Boheeka - Heroic Instance DPS - 1271
Mahaliel - Heroic Instance Healer - 1209
Paladius - Heroic Instance Healer - 1184
Fyska - Heroic Instance Tank - 1159
Azeraa - Heroic Instance DPS - 1060
Skreken - Heroic Instance DPS - 1050
Endorfin - Heroic Instance DPS - 964
Crepitus - Heroic Instance DPS - 962
Zephroes - Heroic Instance Tank - 741

We have 21 separate accounts with 30 level 80 characters.
Class count: 6 Death Knights, 4 Hunters, 4 Paladins, 3 Warriors, 3 Priests, 3 Mages, 2 Druids, 2 Rogues, 2 Warlocks, 1 Shaman.
Welcome to Spoc who has joined our clan and congratulations to Demonevil who has bumped up to the Heroics rank. Soon to be 80: Banality (DPS), Doola (DPS) and Hollowedsoul (DPS).

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Updated Guild Rankings Site

Hey guys,

Just wanted to drop a note on the updated guild rankings. We are using a new site www.wow-heroes.com (thanks to Wada for the suggestion). You will notice some differences in the "What Are You Ready For?" posts:

1) The number beside you character is the gear ranking that the site gives you. Please don't take this too seriously. For instance, there are a couple blues that I have on Sinscribe that I much prefer to epics that might give me a higher gear score. Please just use this number as an approximation and use the gear that you play best with.

2) The 3 groupings represent the actual rankings. The top group is our Devastator rank (those ready for 25 man raid). The second group is our Heroic rank (those ready for heroics and 10 man raid). The third group is our level 80 characters below a 1300 gear score. This group can certainly attempt heroics but would be wise to go with Heroic or Devastator ranked people.

I hope all of this makes sense and feel free to ask me if you have any questions. Happy gaming!

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://www.wow-heroes.com showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 3/14/09:

Muertedehoof - 25 Man Raid Tank - 1929
Lashstar - 25 Man Raid Healer - 1847
Sinscribe - 25 Man Raid Healer - 1839
Invisigoth - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1836
Momakonda - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1831
Cubex - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1778
Lashtail - 25 Man Raid DPS - 1751
Graynight - 10 Man Raid Tank - 1575
Aenicus - 10 Man Raid DPS - 1563
Jinda - 10 Man Raid DPS - 1531
Cottonrocket - 10 Man Raid Tank - 1491
Deadrush - 10 Man Raid DPS - 1487
Bloodstained - Heroic Instance DPS - 1392
Yukaya - Heroic Instance DPS - 1388
Zerkofark - Heroic Instance DPS - 1382
Becca - Heroic Instance Tank - 1379
Capataz - Heroic Instance DPS - 1373
Finduilas - Heroic Instance Tank - 1331
Oxxykotton - Heroic Instance DPS - 1318
Boheeka - Heroic Instance DPS - 1271
Demonevil - Heroic Instance DPS - 1227
Paladius - Heroic Instance Healer - 1184
Mahaliel - Heroic Instance Healer - 1165
Fyska - Heroic Instance Tank - 1159
Azeraa - Heroic Instance DPS - 1060
Skreken - Heroic Instance DPS - 1050
Endorfin - Heroic Instance DPS - 964
Crepitus - Heroic Instance DPS - 962
Zephroes - Heroic Instance Tank - 741

We have 20 separate accounts with 29 level 80 characters.
Class count: 6 Death Knights, 4 Hunters, 4 Paladins, 3 Warriors, 3 Priests, 2 Druids, 2 Rogues, 2 Mages, 2 Warlock, 1 Shaman.
Congratulations to Mahaliel and Demonevil for hitting 80. Soon to be 80: Banality (DPS), Doola (DPS) and Hollowedsoul (DPS).

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Next in ouir series of instance strategies:

Name: Nexus
Location: Borean Tundra
Number of bosses: 5
Special group make-up: Off tank helpful in heroic

When progressing through this instance, keep going left throughout the whole thing. I suppose you could go right but I have never seen it done and your party members would probably look at you weird.

Commander Stoutbeard: This is a heroic only boss and this is also the fight where an off tank is really handy. The tank will grab aggro from the boss and tank him by the hallway entry for the entirety of the fight. This prevents party members from being feared into further mobs. Meanwhile, the off tank should grab aggro from the 2 clerics and all dps should take these down as quickly as possible. The healer should stay between the tank and the dps to heal both groups. Once the dps is finished, they can rejoin the fight on the boss. Make sure to not get hit by his whirlwind and you'll be fine.

Grand Magus Telestra: Tank where she is standing. After a while she will split into 3 different versions of herself. Each version has a different color and you need to kill the purple one first, followed by the blue with the red one being last.

In some of the upcoming mob groups you will see a rift. This can be dps'd down by range without pulling the rest of the group.

Anomalus: Tank where he stands. When he opens up a rift, everyone needs to focus on it and bring it down before turning back to the boss. These rifts will span adds that should either be picked up by the tank or a designated dps.

For the next part, you will be making your way through a gauntlet of elites and annoying little plants. The plants will keep popping back up if you don't keep moving.

Ormorok the Tree-Shaper: Tank where he stands. The boss will shoot up ice spikes that must be dodged (you will see where they are going to pop before they actually do). The boss also does a spell reflect at times. You should have a designated dps help with any adds that attack healer.

Keristrasza: Tank where it stands. All dps and healer needs to stand on the side of the dragon (not head or tail) to avoid getting hit. The big thing in this fight is that you must jump or move continually (I prefer jumping). If you stay in one place too long, you will get a painful debuff that will only get worse and the healer will not be able to outheal it. Melee can jump continually as they hit boss. Casters can jump in between each cast. Healers need to try and rely on instant casts during the fith. There will be times when the boss freezes the party to the ground. This is the time to do any of the longer cast heals as you will be bolted to one place anyway.

As always, hope you enjoy and feel free to comment if I missed anything of utter import. Next up: Azjol-Nerub.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Utgarde Keep

Hello all,

Since we are starting to get a lot more organized and have many more players gearing up to tackle heroics, I thought I would start an ongoing series on instance strategy.

First some basics: Plate tanks need to have 535 defense minimum and preferably be at the 540 cap. Healers should have 1400 +heals at the very least. Dps should strive to be 1200+. Obviously these are rough guidelines but if you go any lower in any of the these categories, the difficulty gets exponentially greater. Also players need to be comfortable using crowd control and tanks should be comfortable with marking so the pace doesn't lag. When pulling trash mob groups, 99% of the time kill anybody with mana first.

I will not go over each pull as I think learning these things is half the fun, but I will give you tips on each boss as well as any other special things.

First instance up...the easiest of them all:

Name: Utgarde Keep
Location: Howling Fjord
Number of bosses: 3
Special group make-up: None needed

Prince Keleseth: Tank him where he is walking. Casters...make sure the tank/boss is between you and both doorways. Boss will call forth skeleton adds and they will come from these doorways. Tank should aggro them before the reach casters. Boss will also encase someone in ice. When he does this, all dps should hit ice casing immediately to break out your comrade.

Dalronn/Skarvald: Tank where they are standing. Everyone needs to focus on Dalronn (the caster) and bring him down to about 20%. Then everyone switches to Skarvakd (the melee) and do the same. Then try and bring both of them down as quickly as possible and at somewhat the same time or very bad things happen. Adds will come during the fight but these can easily be handled by an assigned AoE dps or led into tank's AoE.

Ingvar the Plunderer: Tank where he stands. Casters need to stand at range and tank should try and point boss away from everyone. When he starts to cast his smash (a cone AoE in front of boss), tank should strafe away or run through him. When he starts to cast his roar, casters (including healers) should stop casting until he finishes or be silenced. Once you kill him, run behind one of the pillars so you are out of line-of-sight. He will be resurrected and you get to start all over. For the most part it is the same, however, he also has a nasty little axe that will spin around so don't get hit by that.

As always, hope you enjoy and feel free to comment if I missed anything of utter import. Next up: Nexus.

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from http://be.imba.hu/ showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 3/7/09:

Cubex - 10/25 Man Raid DPS
Graynight - 10/25 Man Raid Tank
Invisigoth - 10/25 Man Raid DPS
Lashstar - 10/25 Man Raid Healer
Lashtail - 10/25 Man Raid DPS
Momakonda - 10/25 Man Raid DPS
Muertedehoof - 10/25 Man Raid Tank
Sinscribe - 10/25 Man Raid Healer
Aenicus - 10 Man Raid DPS
Becca - 10 Man Raid Tank
Cottonrocket - 10 Man Raid Tank
Deadrush - 10 Man Raid DPS
Finduilas - 10 Man Raid Tank
Jinda - 10 Man Raid DPS
Yukaya - 10 Man Raid DPS
Zerkofark - 10 Man Raid DPS
Bloodstained - Heroic Instance/10 Man Raid DPS
Paladius - Heroic Instance/10 Man Raid DPS
Azeraa - Heroic Instance DPS
Boheeka - Heroic Instance DPS
Capataz - Heroic Instance Healer
Cellindia - Heroic Instance DPS
Fyska - Heroic Instance Tank
Oxxykotton - Heroic Instance DPS
Crepitus - Reg/Heroic Instance DPS
Endorfin - Reg/Heroic Instance DPS
Skreken - Reg/Heroic Instance DPS
Zephroes - Reg Instance Tank

We have 20 separate accounts with 28 level 80 characters.
Class count: 6 Death Knights, 5 Hunters, 4 Paladins, 3 Warriors, 3 Priests, 2 Druids, 2 Rogues, 2 Mages, 1 Warlock, 0 Shamans
Congratulations to Bloodstained for hitting 80. Soon to be 80: Banality (DPS), Demonevil (DPS), Doola (DPS) and Mahaliel (Soon to be healer).