Saturday, September 26, 2009

Raiding, What do people want to do?

As far as I see it, we have a few options

1) Do we want to arrange raiding 3-5 times a week?
...... Justification: We seem to be gathering together nightly for heroics anyways, you'll get more badges/hr by doing naxx than you would by doing heroics, also, more ppl can participate in a raid than a heroic group.

2) Raid 2 Nights a week, Naxx/OS/WG one night, Ulduar/OS/WG the next, periodically keeping the raid ID's extended so that we can get full clears of what we want.

3) Ignore Raiding, continue w/ just heroics?

a) a firm note, I'll participate, but I won't set up or run any 25-man stuff other than OS. The drama and headaches that are caused are not worth the rewards.

b) There will be no set group, only occassions for Mains or ones like OS last night where we struggle along w/ alts. There won't be a preferred raid group, only whoever logs on first &/or who can raid the alloted time.

c) HUGE NOTE: While raiding, whatever toon you are on for that raid is your Main, whatever spec, is your main. Alot of guild drama is caused by mentalities like, "Thats his alt, this is my main, I deserve that upgrade." Random loot systems are as fair as you can get, roll on what you need, pass on what you don't.

d) For Raiding, a new loot system a friend instigated in his guild & seems to work well: Everyone Passes on all gear, one person, takes everything until the end of the raid time, then the loot is divied up by rolls.

e) What raiding times are best for everyone. I realize some people can't make it all nights at all times but, what are your general times, what days are definately not open. Are WoW calendar invites best for everyone? Do you need personal invitations to remind you to log on at XX time or are statements like raiding every tues/thurs/sat/sun @ 5pm server time good?

f) I have every sunday off, I'm open to the idea of getting a Naxx run going on sunday w/ the intent to do a full clear or shooting 1 hour per wing so 5 hours. This will of course be rough until all the people in the group get used to the pulls and wings.

g) If we get enough people on, maybe we can set up 2 raid groups.

What do you guys want (hopefully, more than the usual 4-5 ppl respond :P)


  1. I think the 2 raid nights would be best, People seem to get tired of it, if we do it more than that.

  2. On Bigsky and Bamapriest I only can use badges of Triumph. There are a couple of upgrades in Uld. for each but Nax or OS can only be done on my warrior or rogue. I am willing for anytime or night but if a time is set then that should be the time and not start early with any pugs (cube would be a pug, sorry but great person but not in the guild). But if it is first come first serve, then if 10 guild members are on then starting early should not be an issue.

  3. I agree with Dan on the raid nights. I think if we do it too much, people may get tired of it. I like the calendar invites just because it causes the calendar to flash and I know that I personally dont check the calendar too terribly much unless it blinks :-)

    I can pretty much raid any night of the week or weekends because school for me is essentially a morning till 5pm (3pm server) type thing. Im not opposed to bringing my shammarama in there when we need it but I would prefer to bring my DK when possible to DPS because I currently dps in tank gear.

    I also think its a good idea to bring as many alts as we can into naxx so that we can help them get geared. For these types of things I dont mind coming in and bringing my shammy.

    I also dont feel as though wada should have to singlehandedly organize everything - we are a good group and we should definitely be helping and showing up when we say we are.


  4. Well it looks like each response has gotten longer, so allow me to write a doozy. Please take my suggestions with a grain of salt as my afternoon/evening playing can be erratic with my work schedule.

    1) I think 2-3 nights of raiding would be sufficient. I agree with the burnout comments.

    2) As to what we should raid:
    a) I think getting EoE done for everyone would be fun. We easily have the firepower, it would just be a matter of everyone knowing the mechanics of the flying part.
    b) Getting enough geared toons to give ToC 10 man a go would be a priority for me. I think we currently have 4-6 people that carry the gear and the skill set to get it done. If we can get others caught up, we could start getting some really nice gear.
    c) getting VoA 10 on farm including the new boss. The new boss gives incredible gear though I think the gear needed to do it would be basically the same gear as is needed for ToC 10.
    d) I think the first 4 bosses on Ulduar should be easy enough that we can get on farm (Ignis is tough for sure).
    e) I would say Naxx & OS would be more for alt runs to grab gear/badges. Though OS can go really fast with mains and can be a quick source of 4 badges (I think we can do inside 20 minutes on our mains), I have to disagree on Naxx being a quick badge source. Each wing usually takes 45-60 minutes at the very least and I know we can do most heroics that would yield the same number of badges in about 30-45 minutes. Now if we extended the raid IDs so that we could down Sapph and KT then that's a different story altogether.

    3) Though I don't think we should ever ignore raiding on our specified raid nights, during non-raid times I think we should continue in doing as many heroics in-guild as we can to get everyone geared to accomplish greater things.
    I don't care too much to do any 25 man things (like Wada, I'll participate but not help set up due to drama). I'd love it if we could get 15 players showing up for raids. 10 players could raid while the other 5 do heroics. We could switch people on certain fights given our needs and also dependant on what gear that particular boss drops. Example: Morty and I are tanking in Ulduar but we get to a boss that drops a really great shield. I would totally switch out so Huracan could get in and have a chance at it.
    I think if we all take the attitude that gearing other guildies will help us in future endeavors, this will help us avoid personnel and gear conflicts when it comes to raiding.

    4) I'd love the actual calendar invites. Much like Gnark, I like the flashing calendar reminders. Plus we can use the confirmed & standby options to get the 10 raiders for that day.

    Best times for me to raid are Tuesday & Thursday nights (5pm and after), Friday & Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons (3pm-5:30pm). Though I may not be able to make every single one of these times, I will know a week in advance if I can come or have to work.

    Phew....told you it was going to be long.

  5. Friday and Sunday afternoon works for me. I won't be able to make it to every friday raid but that shouldn't stop the rest of the guild. As for where we raid I don't really care. I haven't done most of the raids except some voa pug runs. I had experience raiding in classic wow raids like mc, bwl, and onyxia. Way back in 2004 I had another account that had a priest as my main. We did raids 5 nights a week. I swear all I ever looked at was health bars and debuf icons. That really tired me out so i quit wow and didn't come back until late last year.

    Now I'm happy to run with guild mates whenever and wherever I can. Hope there won't be any drama. People sometimes get blind sighted by shiny purples and forget the point is to have fun first. That's why I think it's probably smart that we do mostly 10-man raids.

    Just my 2 cents.

  6. Hi, Its ok for me to raid 2 or maybe 3 nights, 5:00 or 5:30 server time (my local is central time). Ill apreciate the calendar invites to plan my work time and try to arrive on time for play. I didn't confirm in the calendar because i can't warranty that i will be on time (mostly because of trafic or work). I think it would be better to confirm in calendar my interest in participate, but i don't want to waste the time of the group, if i can't arrive on time and you want to start go ahead and don't wait for me.

    I'm playing since 2004 and when my IRL friends drop WoW i couldn't find a better guild than this. I really like to play with this group.

    I'm Alch and JC, I can bring flask, pots and/or elixirs for the runs, just letme know which ones. Im trying to level up an alt to be my raw mats provider but at this time is 42.
