Agenda #2: I think we need to coordinate some specific times that most people are available. I will continue to have a Saturday morning going in at least some capacity, whether it be OS, VoA, heroics or Naxx. I'll also be available, starting the middle of June, on Tuesday nights. Please leave a comment with what days and what times work for you so maybe we can organize things better than the past month.
Agenda #3: We have the firepower in our guild to make a run Malygos and think this should definitely be one of our goals going forward. Let me know what you guys think.
Agenda #4: Lash commented a while ago that he thought my post signature was cool. For those that want to get one, just got to It's free and easy (does it sound like I'm advertising for them) and you can do one for each of your toons. For instance, I'll end this post with Sinscribe's:
I'd like to get into raiding again eventually, but for the time being I'm taking a break. It's summer and it gets hot with a computer running all day and I don't have AC, it's not fun.
ReplyDeleteAs for Malygos our naxx 10 group tried and failed, I wouldn't say we have the firepower, honestly.
On Malygos, 90-95% of the reason the group failed was because of the MT. Their two jobs consist of kiting malygos away from the sparks, and watching for where the next spark is going to be. Both of these were not done, malygos' damage shot through the roof rather than ours. We wiped. Repeatedly.
ReplyDeleteOn me coming out of retirement.... for Ulduar, yes, I've raided Naxx for half a year, I might do it on Bandage, but it depends on what happens with Wadataka's raiding. I'm applying to several of the servers top raiding guilds as we speak but we'll see. If you want me to do something, just toss me a calendar invite and we'll see.