Monday, January 18, 2010

A couple of Helpful Tankadin Macros gotten from

Ok, paladin tanks have 5 moves that are routinely used for threat.
When you add in
  1. 3 moves that have 6 second cooldowns
  2. 2 moves that have 8 second cooldowns (with global cooldowns, its referred to as a 9 second cooldown)
The highest threat rotation possible comes from using a 6s move, then a 9s. so it looks like "6 9 6 9 6" start over.

One Macro is:  
  1.  /castsequence reset=6 Hammer of the Righteous, Shield of Righteousness
The other macro that you'll use is
  1. /castsequence reset=9 Consecration, Holy Shield, Judgement of Light
  2. /castsequence reset=9 Consecration, Holy Shield, Judgement of Wisdom
I have them set to two keys w/ PageUp, and PageDown keybound to them. The second macro, I use the one with wisdom in heroics or situations where I'm not taking as much damage and need more mana than is provided by my Spiritual Attunement talent. Use the Judgement of Light for raids or high incoming damage scenarios.

It is easier to just hit PgUp, PgDn, PgUp, PgDn, PgUp, PgDn, PgUp, PgDn..... ad infinitum.

I however keep the skills themselves on my bars incase your in situations where you need irregular sequences of the rotation... like just needing consecrate and hammer alot.... like Halls of Stone.

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