As far as I see it, we have a few options
1) Do we want to arrange raiding 3-5 times a week?
...... Justification: We seem to be gathering together nightly for heroics anyways, you'll get more badges/hr by doing naxx than you would by doing heroics, also, more ppl can participate in a raid than a heroic group.
2) Raid 2 Nights a week, Naxx/OS/WG one night, Ulduar/OS/WG the next, periodically keeping the raid ID's extended so that we can get full clears of what we want.
3) Ignore Raiding, continue w/ just heroics?
a) a firm note, I'll participate, but I won't set up or run any 25-man stuff other than OS. The drama and headaches that are caused are not worth the rewards.
b) There will be no set group, only occassions for Mains or ones like OS last night where we struggle along w/ alts. There won't be a preferred raid group, only whoever logs on first &/or who can raid the alloted time.
c) HUGE NOTE: While raiding, whatever toon you are on for that raid is your Main, whatever spec, is your main. Alot of guild drama is caused by mentalities like, "Thats his alt, this is my main, I deserve that upgrade." Random loot systems are as fair as you can get, roll on what you need, pass on what you don't.
d) For Raiding, a new loot system a friend instigated in his guild & seems to work well: Everyone Passes on all gear, one person, takes everything until the end of the raid time, then the loot is divied up by rolls.
e) What raiding times are best for everyone. I realize some people can't make it all nights at all times but, what are your general times, what days are definately not open. Are WoW calendar invites best for everyone? Do you need personal invitations to remind you to log on at XX time or are statements like raiding every tues/thurs/sat/sun @ 5pm server time good?
f) I have every sunday off, I'm open to the idea of getting a Naxx run going on sunday w/ the intent to do a full clear or shooting 1 hour per wing so 5 hours. This will of course be rough until all the people in the group get used to the pulls and wings.
g) If we get enough people on, maybe we can set up 2 raid groups.
What do you guys want (hopefully, more than the usual 4-5 ppl respond :P)
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
What Are You Ready For?
This is a list taken directly from showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 9/14/09:
Graynight - ToC Tank/DPS - 2382
Bigsky - ToC Healer/DPS - 2374
Jinda - ToC DPS/Healer - 2340
Wadataka - ToC Tank/Healer - 2283
Sinscribe - ToC Healer/DPS - 2276
Exarkun - ToC Tank - 2239
Nisu - ToC DPS/Healer - 2215
Bamapriest - Uld Healer - 2187
Loktahr - Uld Tank/DPS - 2178
Deadlydorite - Uld DPS - 2149
Gnarkilldave - Uld Healer/DPS - 2116
Lisha - Uld DPS - 2113
Haystealer - Uld DPS - 2093
Aenicus - Uld DPS/Healer - 2089
Huracan - Uld Tank/DPS - 2086
Lashtail - Uld DPS/Tank - 2077
Danaris - Uld Healer/DPS - 2046
Deadrush - Uld DPS - 2043
Gnarkillyou - Uld Tank/DPS - 2022
Invisigoth - Uld DPS - 1980
Yukaya - Uld DPS - 1978
Zerkofark - Uld DPS - 1966
Lashstar - Hero Healer/DPS - 1929
Demonevil - Hero DPS - 1921
Bloodstained - Hero DPS/Tank - 1843
Bandage - Hero DPS/Healer - 1765
Sonnygrazo - Hero DPS - 1740
Krypticdeath - Hero Tank/DPS - 1693
Mahaliel - Hero Healer/DPS - 1671
Dinkadink - Hero DPS - 1551
Icuudontcme - Hero DPS - 1534
Lichknightt - Hero DPS - 1506
Bloodtheron - Hero DPS - 1487
Buluva - Hero DPS/Healer - 1378
Paladius - Hero Healer/DPS - 1224
Marrak - Hero DPS - 1202
Moldren - Hero /DPS - 1141
Theblitz - Hero Tank/DPS - 1034
Banality - Hero DPS - 1001
Crepitus - Hero DPS - 962
Skreken - Hero DPS - 713
Graynight - ToC Tank/DPS - 2382
Bigsky - ToC Healer/DPS - 2374
Jinda - ToC DPS/Healer - 2340
Wadataka - ToC Tank/Healer - 2283
Sinscribe - ToC Healer/DPS - 2276
Exarkun - ToC Tank - 2239
Nisu - ToC DPS/Healer - 2215
Bamapriest - Uld Healer - 2187
Loktahr - Uld Tank/DPS - 2178
Deadlydorite - Uld DPS - 2149
Gnarkilldave - Uld Healer/DPS - 2116
Lisha - Uld DPS - 2113
Haystealer - Uld DPS - 2093
Aenicus - Uld DPS/Healer - 2089
Huracan - Uld Tank/DPS - 2086
Lashtail - Uld DPS/Tank - 2077
Danaris - Uld Healer/DPS - 2046
Deadrush - Uld DPS - 2043
Gnarkillyou - Uld Tank/DPS - 2022
Invisigoth - Uld DPS - 1980
Yukaya - Uld DPS - 1978
Zerkofark - Uld DPS - 1966
Lashstar - Hero Healer/DPS - 1929
Demonevil - Hero DPS - 1921
Bloodstained - Hero DPS/Tank - 1843
Bandage - Hero DPS/Healer - 1765
Sonnygrazo - Hero DPS - 1740
Krypticdeath - Hero Tank/DPS - 1693
Mahaliel - Hero Healer/DPS - 1671
Dinkadink - Hero DPS - 1551
Icuudontcme - Hero DPS - 1534
Lichknightt - Hero DPS - 1506
Bloodtheron - Hero DPS - 1487
Buluva - Hero DPS/Healer - 1378
Paladius - Hero Healer/DPS - 1224
Marrak - Hero DPS - 1202
Moldren - Hero /DPS - 1141
Theblitz - Hero Tank/DPS - 1034
Banality - Hero DPS - 1001
Crepitus - Hero DPS - 962
Skreken - Hero DPS - 713
Sunday Raid
Grats to all the raiders from yesterday. We downed Obsidian Sanctum with 1 drake up in only 2 tries and then proceeded to single shot Flame Leviathan, Razorscale and XT in Ulduar. Try and read up on all the Ulduar bosses and strategies for 1,2 and 3 drakes up OS (3 might be pushing it, I've heard it's ridiculous). Anyway, great job yesterday...good to be raiding again with all our new gear.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Raid - Every Sunday @ 3 pm server
Informal, No set group, no set goal, no progression, no hassle, no guarantees.
The idea... get together on a sunday afternoon and kill stuff.
Priority = Down OS w/ some drakes down, get the hang of it, then do OS3D + get some badges.
2nd = WG if we own it, down first boss always, work on second.
3rd = Ulduar, first 4 bosses on farm, simple. work on ones after that.
Any ideas?
The idea... get together on a sunday afternoon and kill stuff.
Priority = Down OS w/ some drakes down, get the hang of it, then do OS3D + get some badges.
2nd = WG if we own it, down first boss always, work on second.
3rd = Ulduar, first 4 bosses on farm, simple. work on ones after that.
Any ideas?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Alright, tomorrow is sunday, lets try to get a Naxx-10 or OS10, WG10 run going tomorrow. Perhaps around 3pm server time?
Naxx-10 is still better for farming conquest badges so Other than needing 2 tanks and 2 heals, any alts or mains will work. Lets get the guild some gear. Also, we need a disenchanter!!!! :)
Naxx-10 is still better for farming conquest badges so Other than needing 2 tanks and 2 heals, any alts or mains will work. Lets get the guild some gear. Also, we need a disenchanter!!!! :)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Return Of: What Are You Ready For?
So I know it's been a couple of months since I've updates this and I thought with all the new gear might be fun to see where everyone's at. Also, pending Lash's permission, I think we should redo the guild rankings a little so people will now what they can run, especially as our gear will only be getting better. The new rankings would be Trial of the Crusader (ToC), Ulduar (Uld) and Heroics (Hero). As always:
This is a list taken directly from showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 9/2/09:
Bigsky - ToC Healer/DPS - 2335
Graynight - ToC Tank/DPS - 2298
Exarkun - ToC Tank - 2239
Sinscribe - ToC Healer/DPS - 2236
Nisu - ToC DPS/Healer - 2215
Jinda - ToC DPS/Healer - 2207
Bamapriest - Uld Healer - 2157
Loktahr - Uld Tank/DPS - 2136
Gnarkilldave - Uld Healer/DPS - 2116
Aenicus - Uld DPS/Healer - 2089
Lashtail - Uld DPS/Tank - 2077
Lisha - Uld DPS - 2061
Deadlydorite - Uld DPS - 2058
Danaris - Uld Healer/DPS - 2046
Huracan - Uld Tank/DPS - 2035
Invisigoth - Uld DPS - 1980
Yukaya - Uld DPS - 1978
Zerkofark - Uld DPS - 1966
Deadrush - Uld DPS - 1958
Lashstar - Hero Healer/DPS - 1929
Demonevil - Hero DPS - 1921
Bloodstained - Hero DPS/Tank - 1843
Colloquial - Hero DPS - 1770
Sonnygrazo - Hero DPS - 1740
Haystealer - Hero DPS - 1698
Krypticdeath - Hero Tank/DPS - 1693
Bandage - Hero DPS/Healer - 1688
Gnarkillyou - Hero Tank/DPS - 1675
Mahaliel - Hero Healer/DPS - 1625
Spodium - Hero DPS - 1601
Dinkadink - Hero DPS - 1551
Lichknightt - Hero DPS - 1506
Icuudontcme - Hero DPS - 1500
Buluva - Hero DPS/Healer - 1378
Bloodtheron - Hero DPS - 1289
Marrak - Hero DPS - 1202
Paladius - Hero Healer/DPS - 1145
Theblitz - Hero Tank/DPS - 1034
Banality - Hero DPS - 1001
Crepitus - Hero DPS - 962
Skreken - Hero DPS - 713
This is a list taken directly from showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 9/2/09:
Bigsky - ToC Healer/DPS - 2335
Graynight - ToC Tank/DPS - 2298
Exarkun - ToC Tank - 2239
Sinscribe - ToC Healer/DPS - 2236
Nisu - ToC DPS/Healer - 2215
Jinda - ToC DPS/Healer - 2207
Bamapriest - Uld Healer - 2157
Loktahr - Uld Tank/DPS - 2136
Gnarkilldave - Uld Healer/DPS - 2116
Aenicus - Uld DPS/Healer - 2089
Lashtail - Uld DPS/Tank - 2077
Lisha - Uld DPS - 2061
Deadlydorite - Uld DPS - 2058
Danaris - Uld Healer/DPS - 2046
Huracan - Uld Tank/DPS - 2035
Invisigoth - Uld DPS - 1980
Yukaya - Uld DPS - 1978
Zerkofark - Uld DPS - 1966
Deadrush - Uld DPS - 1958
Lashstar - Hero Healer/DPS - 1929
Demonevil - Hero DPS - 1921
Bloodstained - Hero DPS/Tank - 1843
Colloquial - Hero DPS - 1770
Sonnygrazo - Hero DPS - 1740
Haystealer - Hero DPS - 1698
Krypticdeath - Hero Tank/DPS - 1693
Bandage - Hero DPS/Healer - 1688
Gnarkillyou - Hero Tank/DPS - 1675
Mahaliel - Hero Healer/DPS - 1625
Spodium - Hero DPS - 1601
Dinkadink - Hero DPS - 1551
Lichknightt - Hero DPS - 1506
Icuudontcme - Hero DPS - 1500
Buluva - Hero DPS/Healer - 1378
Bloodtheron - Hero DPS - 1289
Marrak - Hero DPS - 1202
Paladius - Hero Healer/DPS - 1145
Theblitz - Hero Tank/DPS - 1034
Banality - Hero DPS - 1001
Crepitus - Hero DPS - 962
Skreken - Hero DPS - 713
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