Monday, May 31, 2010

Lash -- we miss you and


Since we cannot get hold of you and hopefully you read this page from time to time, we would like to be able to edit the guild info page if possible. We have a new vent and would like to post it there.

Let us know, and by the way several of us run WOW on windows 7.


Haystealer got us a new vent and macro creation

so primarily i will just make this a quick macro info sheet and it contains our vent info.
go to macros either escape or click on the little computer screen that gives you the game menu or type /macro. Stay on the General tab for now and select new. Pick your icon and type the following. Now this might need some editing to work properly. However i tried to get all 3 situations in one macro, it will spam the guild chat for now
----------------don't type -------------
/p is for party
/ra is for raid
/g is for guild
------------this area -- info ---------

/p vent info
/p port 14098
/p pw drinkmilk

/ra vent info
/ra port 14098
/ra pw drinkmilk

/g vent info
/g port 14098
/g pw drinkmilk

more macro info can be found at
and a partial list of the slash commands can be found at

Thank you Hay