Monday, April 27, 2009

Kel'thuzad has been nuked. Tauren Stampede has now downed all of naxx. :)
Tanks: Muertedehoof & Fyska
Heals: Danaris & Me
DPS: Aldie, Dantius, Cubex, Oxxykotton, Zerkofark, Marrak

Muertedehoof now has the key to start the Malygos encounter.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Useable Resources

Every day or so, I peruse the guild roster on Wow-heroes to see how people are doing on gear upgrades. One of these days, I'll take it one step farther and figure out what ppl need instance wide to help them.

A few people asked me to explain my spell rotation on Bandage the other day and it got me thinking. I usually power-level a toon to 75 or so and don't really pay attention to the mechanics of a particular class as they change very rapidly every 20 levels or so. Once I hit 75 now, I tend to focus on learning the techniques and focus of the playstyles.

The first thing I do is look the character up on the net, look for the highest damage specs, rotations, and the stat focus. For healing, this changes to Healing per mana efficiency of various spells, then stat focus. Also for healers, you have highest healing/minute and highest mana efficiency builds.

First: Check out

Second: Google your class/spec "shadow priest wrath 3.1" and look for blogs, but turn security on your browser way way up and do a virus scan before you log into wow next. Ppl love to toss keyloggers into ads or other portions of sites.

Third: Look at, look up some of the better raiding guilds, find a person who is the spec you're looking into, compare you're gear/stat focus/spec to theirs.

Fourth: Adjust your spec to focus on either heroic or raiding, get the best enchants you can afford (keeping in mind that unless your in full 200/213 gear, you're going to be getting upgrades so don't do the ones that cost 1+K gold apiece)

Fifth: look up your char on and find craftable/questable/Reputation upgrades and make a list in a word file. List the SLOT for the item, then list the order you're likely to persue/obtain them. This will help with which instances to run.

Sixth: Glyphs are an insane addition to every spec. And they are completely spec dependent. These are an absolute necessity.

Interspersed Between 1-6: Talk to ppl who are masters of their spec, hell, ask for advice on general " Anyone on that can give me advice for specifics on XXXX class/spec" And then look up this person on armory/heroes and guage their char versus their advice.

Sixth: Here's something alot of parttime or periodic raiders dont like. When you raid, you're responsibility is to bring the most you can do the raid, that means bring potions, food, etc. Of even higher importance is that even though you may like a particular spec, if one does substantially better dps across the board.... use the higher dps one.

Example: A hunter in DnR had been marksman for years, kept the same spec. Last week, changed to survival. DPS went from 2.9 to 3.7K dps in the course of one night raiding. With research, he chose survival because alot of the fights in naxx/ulduar are AOE intensive which makes keeping pets alive difficult, and BM damage is greatly pet dependent but higher than survival when the pet survives.

One of the problem I think people are facing is that they don't raid fulltime so in their spare time, they lvl alts. Rather than focusing on one, and getting the best gear available, they spread that time commitment across 2-3-4+ alts.

Just as a frame of reference
Heroics: you're going to have 3-5 buffs.
Raids: You're going to have 7-20 odd buffs.
Test Dummies: will be lower than your actual dps output in raids/heroics. On the regular dummy I pulled 1.9K on a shadow priest. Heroic/Raid I pulled 1.4-5K. In actual heroics I pull 1.8-2K and Raids I've pulled 2.3-2.6K due to buffs and other factors.

For Heroics, if you can't sustain > 1.2K dps across the board, you're a liability. This might sound harsh, but the longer a fight lasts, the longer it takes to get that rift down, the more adds/spawns/damage etc the raid takes. Now, given that this is a game, and "liability" is a hardcore term. I don't define "liability" as "you suck" I define it as "you're character/rotation/gear needs more work." With gear and proper rotation, you should be around 2.2-3K dps or somewhere around there.

For Raids(10): 1.5K is the rough minimum unless there are proportionately better geared people to carry you. Well geared in raids should pull 2.5K+ dps. Truly obsessed people should be pulling 3K-5K+ dps depending on fight and class.

Before Wrath, I was uninterested in raids, focused on alts, had 4 70's and every craft to 375. I'd gotten into a few raids, but didn't know the mechanics/fights/ or how to maximize my dps in given situations. Didn't really care as I was enjoying the experience. Needless to say, the fights took longer than they should have and were rougher. Once wrath came out, I went resto with Wad, got invited to raids, and quickly learned the cost of the above mentality. Ulduar w/ one unaware person = wipe. Deconstructor has a 6 minute rage timer, requires 2.8K+ dps constant throughout. Try doing that with 1-2 people dead.........

:P, Got to love being bored at work with nothing whatsoever to do except spam a blog site :P

Monday, April 20, 2009

Specs of TS 80s

So Wada thought a good idea would be to make a list of all of our lvl 80's dual specs. This way we can see who's available for what. I will put this in with the welcome/policy/guild ranking posts on the right side of the page for easy access. Please either leave a comment that lists each individual toon you have or message me in game. This should also help recognize which toons belong to which person for those with multiples. Please try and somewhat follow the format I've used. If you have the 51-pt talent in a tree you can just list that spec or you can specify if you have a hybrid:

Deadrush (Rogue): Assassination & Assassination/Subtlety = Sinscribe (Priest): Holy heals & Discipline heals = Graynight (Death Knight): Frost tank & Unholy dps = Demonevil (Warlock): Affliction & Destruction

Lashtail (Warrior): Fury dps & Protection tank = Lashtar (Priest): Holy heals & Shadow dps

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Did I ever mention that I hate changing guilds, its such a complete pain in the arse.

I left misfits for Dawning Vengeance, promised a raid slot, got ignored, noone was ever around to do anything. Very clique oriented.

So, I was invited to Dead N Red, people were welcoming, but were also very rude to non-DnR people. We're talking, I'd like to beat them up side the head with a bat type of rude.. Once I paid back my obligation to them for the gear they'd gotten me

I was invited to Wrath as DnR wasn't raiding at all, joined wrath, guaranteed a raid slot, the night we were supposed to start that week, the GM disbanded the guild so he could change servers w/ the ppl that the guild had geared the most.

Wrath became Dynasty, new GM has too many healers and would rather take a friend w/ less gear and wanted me to go Boomkin. They have no raid schedule, good people, but they spend 20 minutes between bosses. 3 hours = Spider + Plague Quarter, and Patch. Got ignored most of the raid as well, no healing assignments on Patch = 1 wipe. They listened to me after that.

When I offered to help tank patch as we were overstocked on healers, Despite the fact I had more of every stat than their best geared tank, they ignored my request, didn't even turn it down :P

Needless to say, DnR is approaching me again to heal for them. The two biggest antagonists in the guild (of 3) are gone. Accounts got hacked and they left. Wrath of God Maybe???. They're doing Ulduar-25 man tonight.

I've told them that I'd do it as long as people weren't horribly offensive or healer-bashing :P

It shouldn't be unreasonable to do Naxx-10 w/o me. I'm not irreplaceable but I know also that Morty is gone for a week, which is one of the reasons that I accepted. It would still be good for the group if they tried to run it, even if that meant pugging a couple of people. Spider wing should be easily doable.

I'm at work and didn't have time this morning to leave a note ingame about it.

Did I mention I hate changing guilds?

Friday, April 17, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 4/17/09:

Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank - 2052 (NC)
Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2041 (+33)
Nerfertiti - 25 Man DPS - 2037 (+28)
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer - 2019 (NC)
Bamapriest - 25 Man Healer - 1984 (+73)
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982 (NC)
Fyska - 25 Man Tank - 1940 (+166)
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS - 1925 (+20)
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer - 1924 (+16)
Graynight - 25 Man Tank - 1863 (NC)
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 1824 (NC)
Danaris - 25 Man Healer - 1823 (New)
Cottonrocket - 25 Man Tank - 1801 (+157)
Lashtail - 25 Man Tank - 1788 (+67)
Momakonda - 25 Man DPS - 1773 (-95)
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1751 (+51)
Aldie - 25 Man DPS - 1750 (New)
Dantius - 25 Man DPS - 1720 (New)
Demonevil - 25 Man DPS - 1679 (+23)
Zerkofark - 10 Man DPS - 1698 (+100)
Oxxykotton - 10 Man DPS - 1691 (+69)
Deadrush - 10 Man DPS - 1667 (-38)
Spelczeker - 10 Man DPS - 1653 (+187)
Krypticdeath - 10 Man Tank - 1632 (+98)
Sonnygrazo - 10 Man DPS - 1533 (NC)
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer - 1526 (+37)
Endorfin - 10 Man DPS - 1505 (+76)
Arsonwells - 10 Man Tank - 1494 (+121)
Korongar - 10 Man DPS - 1475 (New)
Bigsky - Heroic DPS - 1429 (+20)
Becca - Heroic Tank - 1427 (+110)
Bandage - Heroic DPS - 1399 (+201)
Chauria - Heroic Tank - 1399 (New)
Boheeka - Heroic DPS - 1377 (NC)
Huracan - Heroic Tank - 1332 (+216)
Bloodstained - Heroic DPS - 1319 (NC)
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1265 (NC)
Thunderessa - Heroic DPS - 1175 (New)
Paladius - Heroic Healer - 1125 (-6)
Skreken - Heroic DPS - 1050 (NC)
Spodium - Heroic DPS - 929 (+128)
Unholykross - Heroic Tank - 921 (NC)
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 894 (NC)
Usdareject - Heroic DPS - 891 (NC)
Marrak - Heroic DPS - 887 (New)
Lisha - Heroic DPS - 850 (+14)
Zephroes - Heroic Tank - 726 (NC)
Missmarbull - Heroic DPS - 716 (NC)

Welcome Danaris, Aldie, Dantius, Korongar, Chauria, Thunderessa and Marrak to the guild...congrats to Demonevil, Bandage and Huracan for bumping up a rank and to Huracan for being having the high gear improvement score on the week.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Weekend Morning Raids

Hey guys,

Just an update on our weekend morning raid group. We were able to do VoA on Sat AM with only 2 people pugged, however we got run over when trying to do OS. We just did not have the dps necessary to get through things. Sun. AM we breezed through OS with a different group. No wipes, no deaths and people were suggesting we should do with 1 drake up (we only had 2 tanks so we could not).

So we are going to have to put a minimum cap on dps to join. I'm thinking 1400+ is a good place to start. Though I hope we can eventually get to the point where we can take one or 2 people that aren't hitting this number, for the time being only these people will be invited and the rest will be pugged while we learn some things. My hope is to do VoA/OS for one more week, maybe 2, and then begin on Naxx.

If you aren't hitting the required dps number, please read up on some rotations and tactics. I would really love it if we could get a full guild run with no pugs sometime next month.

Thanks for understanding and feel free to whisper me in game if you have any questions.

Friday, April 10, 2009

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 4/10/09:

Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank - 2052 (+44)
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer - 2019 (+94)
Nerfertiti - 25 Man DPS - 2009 (New)
Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2008 (NC)
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982 (NC)
Bamapriest - 25 Man Healer - 1911 (+53)
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer - 1908 (NC)
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS - 1905 (+73)
Momakonda - 25 Man DPS - 1868 (NC)
Graynight - 25 Man Tank - 1863 (+23)
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 1824 (+59)
Fyska - 25 Man Tank - 1774 (+38)
Lashtail - 25 Man Tank - 1721 (-68)
Deadrush - 25 Man DPS - 1705 (+140)
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1700 (-30)
Demonevil - 10 Man DPS - 1679 (+104)
Cottonrocket - 10 Man Tank - 1644 (NC)
Oxxykotton - 10 Man DPS - 1622 (+78)
Zerkofark - 10 Man DPS - 1598 (-76)
Krypticdeath - 10 Man Tank - 1534 (New)
Sonnygrazo - 10 Man DPS - 1533 (New)
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer - 1489 (+27)
Spelczeker - 10 Man DPS - 1466 (+179)
Endorfin - Heroic DPS - 1429 (+22)
Bigsky - Heroic DPS - 1409 (New)
Boheeka - Heroic DPS - 1377 (-18)
Arsonwells - Heroic Tank - 1373 (New)
Bloodstained - Heroic DPS - 1319 (NC)
Becca - Heroic Tank - 1317 (-46)
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1265 (NC)
Bandage - Heroic DPS - 1198 (New)
Paladius - Heroic Healer - 1131 (-42)
Huracan - Heroic Tank - 1116 (New)
Skreken - Heroic DPS - 1050 (NC)
Unholykross - Heroic Tank - 921 (New)
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 894 (NC)
Usdareject - Heroic DPS - 891 (New)
Lisha - Heroic DPS - 836 (New)
Spodium - Heroic DPS - 801 (NC)
Zephroes - Heroic Tank - 726 (NC)
Missmarbull - Heroic DPS - 716 (+64)

We have 41 level 80 characters.
Class count: 7 Warriors, 6 Death Knights, 5 Priests, 5 Paladins, 4 Mages, 4 Rogues, 3 Druids, 3 Hunters, 2 Warlocks, 2 Shaman.
Welcome Nerfertiti, Krypticdeath, Sonnygrazo, Arsonwells, Unholykross and Usdareject to the guild...congrats to Deadrush and Spelczeker for bumping up a rank...congrats to Bandage, Huracan and Lisha for hitting 80.
Soon to be 80: Banality (DPS), Buluva (DPS), Doola (DPS), Hollowedsoul (DPS).

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Raid Days

New Raid days for the regular group and anyone wishing to partake

Sunday thru Monday are designated for naxx-10.
Tuesday post-reset is designated for 10/25-man OS and WG

We're going to start at the usual time (5pm server time).

If there's any problems, contact either Muertedehoof or me

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday Morning Raid Group

Hey gang,

So I'm thinking while some of us (myself included) get a little more experience in raids, we are going to dedicate the Saturday morning crew to doing Obsidian Sanctum and Vault of Archavon runs. This will give us opportunities to gear up still and won't be quite the shock of jumping into the Naxx fire. We will start out with the 10 mans (majority made up of guildies) and perhaps we can add enough after those to pug some 25 man groups. Yesterday, we had myself, Sayjinquan (now Bamapriest), Yuk, Zerk, Morty, etc. try this and it seemed to work out. 7am ST seemed to be a little early for some so I'm going to bump it up to 7:30ST. Of course, you're always welcome to show up early and do some heroics with me. I'm sending out invites this morning to our Heroic and Devastator ranked guildies.

Quick question for Wada or Morty or anyone that knows...does OS reset like heroics where, if you are in the middle of a run, you are screwed?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Death Knight Frost Tanking

As promised a while ago, I wanted to put something in writing about DK frost tanking. Muertedehoof did a very nice post on unholy but I thought I could add my two cents on a very nice tanking spec.

First, a few general ideas:

1) You are a tank, you are not dps. Never, ever, ever, ever, under any cirumstances forget this. When gearing, gemming, enchanting and fighting, always ask yourself "How will this help me tank better?" Obviously, it's nice to do decent dps in an instance. But I would much rather be in a group with a tank that does 1000 dps and never loses aggro than a group with a tank that does 1600 dps but loses aggro at times because of it.

2) With great responibility comes great reward and people will love you if you do a good job. You might also get blamed a lot too if the group goes bad. Just be ready for the challenge.

3) You are extremely important to your group. 2 people that the group cannot function without are the tank and healer. If your healer continues to heal dps that is not doing what they should (not following kill order and drawing aggro, not getting away from AoE, etc.), kindly suggest the dps change their actions and, if they do not, inform the healer to not heal them since it is jeaopradizing the group. (I know it sounds harsh, but I had this happen one time...the dps will fall in line, believe me.)

On to the good stuff. This of course is subject to change. You can find my build here. My basic rotations are as follows:

Multiple mobs - Death and Decay, Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Pestilence, Howling Blast, Blood Boil, start over again from this point with the exception of DnD (you will have created enough aggro by this time that it is not necessary a 2nd time. You can also throw in some Frost Strikes as rune-power dump attacks whenever everything else is on cooldown.
Single Mob - just the same as your multi-mob rotation but without DnD or Pestilence

Right now I have 3 macros. I have Deathchill bound to Howling Blast. I've also created 2 mitigation macros. I've bound Unbreakable Armor and Icebound Fortitude and use this on some of the harder pulls. I've also bound Lichborne and Sigil of the Unfaltering Knight to use primarily in sticky boss situations as a panic button.

This brings me to another point. You always want to strive to have precisely 540 defense. This makes you uncrittable. Having less means you risk putting a great strain on your healer and therefore your group. Having more means you probably have gems or enchants that are being wasted on unnecessary defense (having more than 540 does not really help you). However, if you have Sigil of the Unfaltering Knight, you only need to have 530 defense. The proc rate on this is 100% and counts for 10 defense.

I'll continue to try out some things so feel free to check back for updates.

What Are You Ready For?

This is a list taken directly from showing what the level 80s of the guild are ready for. Use this as a guide to what you should be running for gear improvement. If you are unable to perform at these levels, don't worry. Just practice on lower level runs until you feel comfortable and always ask advice of more experienced players. List updated as of 4/3/09:

Cubex - 25 Man DPS - 2008
Muertedehoof - 25 Man Tank - 2002
Invisigoth - 25 Man DPS - 1982
Sinscribe - 25 Man Healer - 1925
Lashstar - 25 Man Healer - 1908
Momakonda - 25 Man DPS - 1868
Sayjinquan - 25 Man Healer - 1858
Graynight - 25 Man Tank - 1840
Aenicus - 25 Man DPS - 1832
Lashtail - 25 Man Tank - 1789
Jinda - 25 Man DPS - 1765
Fyska - 25 Man Tank - 1736
Yukaya - 25 Man DPS - 1730
Zerkofark - 10 Man DPS - 1674
Cottonrocket - 10 Man Tank - 1644
Demonevil - 10 Man DPS - 1575
Deadrush - 10 Man DPS - 1565
Oxxykotton - 10 Man DPS - 1544
Mahaliel - 10 Man Healer - 1462
Endorfin - Heroic DPS - 1407
Boheeka - Heroic DPS - 1395
Becca - Heroic Tank - 1363
Bloodstained - Heroic DPS - 1319
Spelczeker - Heroic DPS - 1287
Finduilas - Heroic Tank - 1265
Paladius - Heroic Healer - 1173
Skreken - Heroic DPS - 1050
Crepitus - Heroic DPS - 894
Spodium - Heroic DPS - 801
Zephroes - Heroic Tank - 726
Missmarbull - Heroic DPS - 652

We have 22 separate accounts with 31 level 80 characters.
Class count: 6 Death Knights, 4 Mages, 4 Paladins, 4 Warriors, 3 Druids, 3 Hunters, 3 Priests, 2 Rogues, 2 Warlocks, 0 Shaman.
Welcome Sayjinquan and Spelczeker to the guild and congrats to those who bumped up a rank. Soon to be 80: Banality (DPS), Buluva (DPS), Doola (DPS), Hollowedsoul (DPS), Huracan (Tank), Lisha (DPS).

Saturday Morning Raid

The time has come for us to try out our Saturday morning idea. We will be starting at around 7am ST. We'll see how many we have and may have to pug a few extras. If you have not raided before, please read up on the Spider Wing of Naxx. I've heard that is the easiest so we will probably start off with that one. Hope to see you then.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Change in Weekly 10-man Naxx Schedule

As of next week, with a new guild comes a new 25-man raiding schedule. Wrath raids from wednesday-Friday with the chance of weekends.

Are people available on any days (prefer 3) from Saturday to Tuesday? I'd still like to keep it to the 5pm server to whatever we decide to go to.

Can anyone not make this?
Might be nice to have Naxx be on sunday/monday and have WG/OS on Tuesday so more ppl can do it and we stand more of a chance of being able to do the 25-man WG.

Please, post you're thoughts.